Just saw the clip.. Surreal. Will Smith's sheer lack of composure reminds me so much of the loony left in general. Children. Snowflakes. Mental midgets.
Wokeism is a degenerative brain disease or something.
Congrats Will, you ruined both your kids now you've ruined your phony public image.
How long before the Streisand Effect takes action and
his wife's name is trending?
I'm really hoping this is shown to be staged to boost ratings. That would be a massive nail in the Hollywood coffin. It doesn't look like Smith actually slapped him, but the rear camera angle is perfect for staging that. Hopefully someone will leak a side view or something.
So you joke about your rich friend's bald wife and you forgot he's so plastered he can barely get up to slap you at the Oscars when you're on stage. Hollyweird is not coping too well.
Someone posted on Telegram. Chris Rock joked about Jayda, Will walked up and bitch-slapped Chris, then said, "keep my wife's name out yo F^@&ing mouth". Chris was shaken for a while. Thinking maybe there's something else going on there.
Ratings have been a disaster = let’s do a stunt so people talk about the Oscars.
-and not because of the pedo thing this time
That's the only way to get people to talk about it the morning after. They couldn't use huwite supremes to do it, either.
I see no one is talking about the trio of (awful) hostesses for the extravaganza. ;) Men gotta be catty to get ratings.
Just saw the clip.. Surreal. Will Smith's sheer lack of composure reminds me so much of the loony left in general. Children. Snowflakes. Mental midgets.
Wokeism is a degenerative brain disease or something. Congrats Will, you ruined both your kids now you've ruined your phony public image.
How long before the Streisand Effect takes action and his wife's name is trending?
Clip for reference: https://youtu.be/qtCpWViwU1Y
It was a weak ass hit. Chris Rock took that slap punch like a champ. Didn't run or anything.
I'm really hoping this is shown to be staged to boost ratings. That would be a massive nail in the Hollywood coffin. It doesn't look like Smith actually slapped him, but the rear camera angle is perfect for staging that. Hopefully someone will leak a side view or something.
If Chris Rock doesn't file assault charges and increase the count of black on black crime statistics, then it was staged.
So you joke about your rich friend's bald wife and you forgot he's so plastered he can barely get up to slap you at the Oscars when you're on stage. Hollyweird is not coping too well.
Sure did. Are they this desperate for some eyeballs that they would stage a mock attack on the presenter? Or is it real?
I think it’s staged
I think it may be staged as well - Will Smith is a great actor - I mean he turned on the 'hood' like it was in his DNA or something.
Someone posted on Telegram. Chris Rock joked about Jayda, Will walked up and bitch-slapped Chris, then said, "keep my wife's name out yo F^@&ing mouth". Chris was shaken for a while. Thinking maybe there's something else going on there.
He was laughing about it, until he realized she got upset, then he cucks out and does a yes dear. Also, probably all a ratings stunt. Fuck Hollywood.
PR stunt