There are lots of different ways to verify that the 'vax' is killing tons of people, including funeral home directors reporting dramatic increases in the volume of dead bodies coming in since the mass distribution of COVID vaxxes, funeral home stocks skyrocketing, the (even super SUPPRESSED) stats in the VAERS database, frequent sudden (unexpected) deaths of many celebrities, the "excess death" numbers being reported, and population DECLINE numbers (more deaths than births) being reported, etc.
Here's yet another way to validate 'excess deaths' since the jab became widespread and in some places being mandated across the globe. Take a look at Google searches on the keywords "funeral" and "funeral home" - those Google searches have DOUBLED since 3/2020. See these preconfigured searches:
"Funeral homes" -
"Funeral" -
What do you make of this though?
I have to think some of these trends are simply because the amount of content as well as the number of people on the internet are always growing
Google Trends has to do with search volume (quantity of searches conducted by users looking up a keyword), not the amount of content published on the keyword. Therefore, I totally think this data has merit.
Plus, there's a DECLINE in population right now (more deaths than births), which was very recently reported - so that would likely counteract a potential increase in Internet connectivity.
But it's all just data points (e.g., big rise in deaths per funeral directors, population decline, 'excess death' reports, VAERS data on the vax, and Google search volume on related keyword terms) and connecting the dots. When you have 5 different data points all indicating the same conclusion, chances are strong that the hypothesis is valid/true.
I have been using Google Trends for a while and one of the patterns is that terms go up in popularity over time. Not all terms, but many tend to. Search volume will increase as the amount of people increase and the amount of searches overall increase, which will also happen with more content to search for.
For example, randomly, "potato":
Another random one because I have one sitting next to me, "sticky note":
Do you think people in general are using more sticky notes or less sticky notes than they were in 2004, or do you just think there are more users on the internet searching for terms involving sticky notes?
These trends including the ones you have listed certainly DO have merit, especially when the rate of increase is considered; it looks like the stock market after massive QE was injected following 2020. But I have searched frequently for terms related to more deaths and often I find a pattern on Google Trends that is a steady increase over time.
Some examples:
Hell, even the ones listed in OP:
The last two DID however increase in RATE since 2020. But they were on an upward trajectory also the entire time since 2004.