"Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy," Musk tweeted Friday with a poll asking, "Do you believe Twitter rigorously adheres to this principle?"
After more than 70% of the over 2 million respondents said no, Musk asked users, "Given that Twitter serves as the de facto public town square, failing to adhere to free speech principles fundamentally undermine democracy. What should be done?"
He also asked, "Is a new platform needed?"
Conservative commentator Mike Cernovich responded that Musk should buy Twitter and and pointed out that Twitter protects free speech for those on the left, but not on the right.
"Doesn't sound very balanced," Musk replied to Cernovich.
Another user on Saturday asked the SpaceX and Tesla CEO whether he would consider building a new social media platform that would allow for free speech.
Musk responded that he is "giving serious thought to this."
Musk has been criticized for his ardent defense of free speech.
After launching Starlink last month to provide internet for Ukrainians during the Russian invasion, he said some governments, but not Ukraine, have told him to block Russian propaganda outlets.
"We will not do so unless at gunpoint," he tweeted on March 5. "Sorry to be a free speech absolutist."
I bet he gets it launched before Truth. If Musk isn't a whitehat working with Trump, this will totally derail Truth. Another reason why I said yesterday to scale back DWAC holdings.
mmm Twaddle can't defend against numerous fronts...and I imagine that, because of the vetting process many casual users will go for instant gratification and pseudonyms...