Disney corporate president Karey Burke says, "as the mother of one transgender child and one pansexual child," she supports having "many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories" and wants a “minimum of 50% of characters to be LGBTQIA and racial minorities.”
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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The expression on her face when she says she's the "mother of TWO queer children, actually!!" reveals how ecstatic she is, and shows the deranged thrill and status this gives her.
They all suffer from the same fucking syndrome. They think their life is a movie, and they are the dramatic heroes. This lady genuinely thinks this is her Rosa Parks moment. That’s how out of touch these people have become. She was promoted to the top due to her insane politics, just like everyone in that meeting. It’s over for Disney. They have been completely taken over from the inside by HR Ladies, by the same people that ruined Star Wars.
Lol I can see it now. It’s fucking over. These women are going to absolutely destroy this business. Just like Kathleen Kennedy did. It won’t take long either. And now that they are all entrenched, no amount of monetary loss is going to solve the problem. These are not creative people. They are not joyful people. They do not know how to create things that appeal to wide audiences. It’s not possible for them to do it. They are far too arrogant and dumb at the same time.
I’m gonna buy some long ass puts on them. That’s a winning bet.