Further testing will be done in the next days. And there will be a 'talk', nurse says. Tells me they are not expecting an easy recovery and probably have a good clue already. What that might be, they are not saying. Let's wait for that talk.
Problems with limbs have been seen ever since this started - blod clots, anemia - I just hope worse can still be averted.
Just wanted to post conversation wise. Family had been really lucky so far. Really exceptionally difficult times these.
edit - 60+, smoker, and yes, vaxxed
edit - thanks everyone, all of these comments are very helpful.
edit - (5 days after posting)
Lung cancer was detected the first days in hospital, but they've since retracted that and it is now 'could be cancer, still not sure'. Transferred to a big hospital on the 2nd day. Many tests done, and still ongoing. It is now mostly "rare disease, not seen before". The doctor is a newbie. Just graduated or not yet (not sure now, but it was something like that.) Initial pain has gone but there is also no big improvement.... [sub-edit: the condition is centered around blood abnormality, and 'red blood cells are eating white blood cells' - sounds to me like the blood / immune system is broken - and cancer would be secondary - just adding this for the record]
Not having a working immune system really sucks. Stay unvaxxed, everyone.
You have my sympathy.
NAC. Obviously do the research relevant to the person's condition. But if it's the vac, NAC will be a key part of breaking up blood clots. If already hospitalized, ECMO might be a way to make it happen. As another user suggested, search here using the term 'detox' for a lot of useful discussion.
There are also lots of things besides ventilators to help breathing. Nebulized hydrogen peroxide for one. But they're in the hospital, so their protocol will reign without a friendly doctor to champion your cause with an exception, unless they are moved.
Thanks. I am not able to visit in person so it is a bit difficult. He's taking medication I am sure, and I would have to convince him and others to take it and these are all vaxxed family members. I just updated the post.