Yes and no. His dad screwed him up mentally. Regardless of Hunter's motives, we have to acknowledge that he didn't have to do any of this. He went above and beyond just screwing over his Pops for twisting him up so badly.
He included his dealings in Ukraine with biolabs. That's far more than a family grudge -- he decided to take down the whole sordid cult.
However, he's still a messed-up person who deserves a jail cell, because he'll never be a "normal" functioning human being and the ones he has harmed deserve justice.
It is Justice to punish someone for their crimes against God's Law. It's Mercy to permit them to fix everything they broke. Mercy is the child of Love and Justice.
Wow what a great sermon , if you will , to read with my morning tea !
Thank you for that true and eloquent comment .
Yes, we all want Hunter and esp killery et el to pay, but something is quiet strange about this laptop being left . White Hats forced him to leave it so evidence was found this way ,,, who knows but what you wrote is true even though hard to swallow ! TY
I'm thinking he dropped it off in a crack induced stupor and forgot about it. These people aren't capable of repentance, shame, guilt or remorse. It's always someone else's fault. "Daddy made me a child rapist, I'll show him" cmon man! If this was an attempt to make amends, he would put it directly in the hands of someone who could actually do something with it. Then turn himself in. Instead he turned to his art for therapy and lucky for him, was able to make millions selling it to daddy's friends. Literal scam artist.
It is Justice to punish someone for their crimes against God's Law. It's Mercy to permit them to fix everything they broke. Mercy is the child of Love and Justice.
That's some deep wisdom. I wish I could sticky this.
Even capital punishment is a kind of mercy because it places their mortality in the spotlight and forces them think very hard about what is going to occur after. Many-a last minute repentance have saved souls at the hour of their death.
Ok I take your comments as a reminder not to loose perspective on those arrested. If things go as planned and many are arrested it will be easy to loose our humanity and judge everyone the same way. I will keep that in mind. Thanks!
The Romans, however, had iron, which allowed them to make the double-edged sword, with no need of a thick backing.
This meant that instead of just flaying flesh and chopping bones like an axe (why the khopesh has a bulky, pronounced curve for the blade) the iron, double-edged sword could cleave straight through flesh and bone in a single swipe. Nothing but armor could withstand the ability to sever things.
And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two edged sword, and his face shone as the sun shineth in his strength. - Revelation 1:16
The Word is a two-edged sword. It cleaves all things in two. Nothing can withstand its ability to sever.
35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a man’s enemies shall be they of his own household. 37 He that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me. And he that loveth son, or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me. 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. - Matthew 10:35-38
Line 38 is harsh.
Jesus speaks true, however, and the truth is often harsh.
Yes and no. His dad screwed him up mentally. Regardless of Hunter's motives, we have to acknowledge that he didn't have to do any of this. He went above and beyond just screwing over his Pops for twisting him up so badly.
He included his dealings in Ukraine with biolabs. That's far more than a family grudge -- he decided to take down the whole sordid cult.
However, he's still a messed-up person who deserves a jail cell, because he'll never be a "normal" functioning human being and the ones he has harmed deserve justice.
It is Justice to punish someone for their crimes against God's Law. It's Mercy to permit them to fix everything they broke. Mercy is the child of Love and Justice.
Wow what a great sermon , if you will , to read with my morning tea ! Thank you for that true and eloquent comment . Yes, we all want Hunter and esp killery et el to pay, but something is quiet strange about this laptop being left . White Hats forced him to leave it so evidence was found this way ,,, who knows but what you wrote is true even though hard to swallow ! TY
I'm thinking he dropped it off in a crack induced stupor and forgot about it. These people aren't capable of repentance, shame, guilt or remorse. It's always someone else's fault. "Daddy made me a child rapist, I'll show him" cmon man! If this was an attempt to make amends, he would put it directly in the hands of someone who could actually do something with it. Then turn himself in. Instead he turned to his art for therapy and lucky for him, was able to make millions selling it to daddy's friends. Literal scam artist.
You’re absolutely right. Where is this Hunter is a hero narrative coming from? The guy is a depraved lunatic.
So confused. Who is saying Hunter left it there on purpose?
Yeah I don't think it was exactly voluntary except in choosing to either do this or probably die. Aren't we all just so glad to not be him?
Yes praise God !
That's some deep wisdom. I wish I could sticky this.
Even capital punishment is a kind of mercy because it places their mortality in the spotlight and forces them think very hard about what is going to occur after. Many-a last minute repentance have saved souls at the hour of their death.
That's right.
Ok I take your comments as a reminder not to loose perspective on those arrested. If things go as planned and many are arrested it will be easy to loose our humanity and judge everyone the same way. I will keep that in mind. Thanks!
Jesus didn't come to bring peace, but a sword
In Biblical times the typical sword was a thick-backed bronze khopesh.
The Romans, however, had iron, which allowed them to make the double-edged sword, with no need of a thick backing.
This meant that instead of just flaying flesh and chopping bones like an axe (why the khopesh has a bulky, pronounced curve for the blade) the iron, double-edged sword could cleave straight through flesh and bone in a single swipe. Nothing but armor could withstand the ability to sever things.
The Word is a two-edged sword. It cleaves all things in two. Nothing can withstand its ability to sever.
Line 38 is harsh.
Jesus speaks true, however, and the truth is often harsh.
Which makes it a double-edged sword.