Is anyone else seeing an uptick in the news about coronal mass ejections? I am trying to determine if the algorithms are just spitting what they think I want to see, or of there really are a larger number of news stories recently.
If there are more stories... then has there really been an uptick in events, or are they trying to drive an agenda to cover for EMP.
Suspicious0bservers on YouTube does good reporting on space weather with a focus on the sun and CMEs
Thanks for reminding me of SuspiciousObservers. I have watched a bunch of their videos, but maybe around 5 years ago.
I've noticed the same thing, and have the exact same question - is the algorithm displaying more of what I click on, or are there more actual events? Is this a cover story for blackout?
They're keeping it in front of people so they can "justifiably" pull the plug on power/internet to protect their lies.
We had a widespread outage in my area 2 nights ago for no apparent reason. First thing I said was, "did a cme just happen?"
This guy usually explains them very well and stays up to date.
They have always encouraged fear, but I am literally seeing news articles once it twice a week now. Until recently I would see one a month... Maybe