The dude attacked the heart of the problem, something that I am surprised he wasn't killed for.
All of that goes away when the FED RESERVE goes away. Only through their ability to print money unchecked were they able to accomplish anything of the sort.
Had we listened to him and fixed the money nothing you are upset about could have happened.
Interest rates were pretty much capped on the gold standard. There is a nice graph somewhere that shows it, I might try to find it in a few. Reverting to the gold standard would not have increased anything. removing the fed would literally remove the power to inflate in the first place.
The federal reserves serves one purpose and that is to siphon resources from the masses. It has got to go! Money printing must be returned to the Treasury and controlled by congress like it was before the implementation of the federal reserve bank system. Which failed like 3 times by the way. They knew it was garbage back then, why can't we see that now?
Auditing the fed would prove that they are just making money to increase inflation.
All of that goes away when the FED RESERVE goes away
Yes and no. The Federal Reserve isn't the problem - it's a symptom of the disease. If the Fed was abolished tomorrow, it would be recreated by Friday afternoon by our ZOG.
Once again Ron Paul danced around naming the disease for his entire political career and instead focused on one of the many symptoms.
Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for the productive contributions that Rob Paul has made over the years (I'm less impressed with his son), however he is a smart man who pretends not to see the elephant in the room because it's easier and safer which also makes him part of the problem.
America and western civilization is at the front line and at the end of the line in a war for our survival... and the defeated photo of Ron Paul in the OP's post perfectly expresses how Ron Paul has impotently sat on his hands during what is likely the most important battle in human history.
Ron Paul is a good man who has done more than most, however he's also done almost nothing to help.
These have expanded all to the good graces of the FED and the FRN. To restore equity, real equity .... that can only be done when the FED is destroyed in a certain manner.
Q said: Israel for last, right?
It reminded me of a flag-retirement ceremony: what is burned the last? However, what do we burn the last when we retire the ZOG-flag?
The dude attacked the heart of the problem, something that I am surprised he wasn't killed for.
All of that goes away when the FED RESERVE goes away. Only through their ability to print money unchecked were they able to accomplish anything of the sort.
Had we listened to him and fixed the money nothing you are upset about could have happened.
Interest rates were pretty much capped on the gold standard. There is a nice graph somewhere that shows it, I might try to find it in a few. Reverting to the gold standard would not have increased anything. removing the fed would literally remove the power to inflate in the first place.
The federal reserves serves one purpose and that is to siphon resources from the masses. It has got to go! Money printing must be returned to the Treasury and controlled by congress like it was before the implementation of the federal reserve bank system. Which failed like 3 times by the way. They knew it was garbage back then, why can't we see that now?
Auditing the fed would prove that they are just making money to increase inflation.
Yes and no. The Federal Reserve isn't the problem - it's a symptom of the disease. If the Fed was abolished tomorrow, it would be recreated by Friday afternoon by our ZOG.
Once again Ron Paul danced around naming the disease for his entire political career and instead focused on one of the many symptoms.
Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for the productive contributions that Rob Paul has made over the years (I'm less impressed with his son), however he is a smart man who pretends not to see the elephant in the room because it's easier and safer which also makes him part of the problem.
America and western civilization is at the front line and at the end of the line in a war for our survival... and the defeated photo of Ron Paul in the OP's post perfectly expresses how Ron Paul has impotently sat on his hands during what is likely the most important battle in human history.
Ron Paul is a good man who has done more than most, however he's also done almost nothing to help.
I disagree, I have watched that man for years plead with anyone that bothered to listen to do something.
What should he have done?
Explain how the Fed Reserve is only a symptom?
I just did in the first paragraph of my last comment. It was literally my opening rebuttal.
Darn good question.
Yes and no.
The problem were the ZOG is prevalent is in:
These have expanded all to the good graces of the FED and the FRN. To restore equity, real equity .... that can only be done when the FED is destroyed in a certain manner.
Q said: Israel for last, right?
It reminded me of a flag-retirement ceremony: what is burned the last? However, what do we burn the last when we retire the ZOG-flag?