Please explain how out of many one means anything here? (they looking for the antichrist) Fiat is only useful when it is backed by something stable. Petrol dollar was done to destabilize the dollar in the first place and was only adopted to shaft the rest of the world and move in on other places that still used gold making them trade gold for useless dollars to buy oil. I am not suggesting that we stop using an intermediate for gold, just that whatever the intermediate is backed by is solid and mostly unchanging value, at the very least difficult to depreciate. We used paper well before 1913, but it could be traded for gold. Nixon made that impossible in the 70's skyrocketing inflation, he wasn't the first to move it in that direction though. This was done to devalue the dollar so that we couldn't afford to even consider buying back our gold.
This idea that we are so fucked that we must remain fucked is giving me a headache. To big to fail alright! It isn't though! This is just another example of Uncle Sam allowing the corporations free reign. That is what the federal reserve is you know, a private corporation that got the rights to print our money. However, they only loan us the fiat money and charge immediate interest. Money must be returned to being printed by the treasury, regulated by congress so that we have someone to take to task if they do this again, and must be backed by something that doesn't change in value on a whim.
Want to also point out how dumb it is to use petrol to back the dollar when it isn't our petrol.....
I do want to ask, have you already dug your grave for them or where you going to wait till they had a gun to your head to start? Might want to get that knocked out before it starts getting hot.
Have you dug your grave yet? They are going to win apparently, they already have it would seem speaking with you. They don't need or want you, so have you already given up so much that you have dug your own grave for them already or not? It is pretty simple. Yes, I might be changing the subject a bit. ;)
I dunno, thinking about it they might be able to use you on the front lines as they try to push this. Everyone knows what the front line is for!
Please explain how out of many one means anything here? (they looking for the antichrist) Fiat is only useful when it is backed by something stable. Petrol dollar was done to destabilize the dollar in the first place and was only adopted to shaft the rest of the world and move in on other places that still used gold making them trade gold for useless dollars to buy oil. I am not suggesting that we stop using an intermediate for gold, just that whatever the intermediate is backed by is solid and mostly unchanging value, at the very least difficult to depreciate. We used paper well before 1913, but it could be traded for gold. Nixon made that impossible in the 70's skyrocketing inflation, he wasn't the first to move it in that direction though. This was done to devalue the dollar so that we couldn't afford to even consider buying back our gold.
This idea that we are so fucked that we must remain fucked is giving me a headache. To big to fail alright! It isn't though! This is just another example of Uncle Sam allowing the corporations free reign. That is what the federal reserve is you know, a private corporation that got the rights to print our money. However, they only loan us the fiat money and charge immediate interest. Money must be returned to being printed by the treasury, regulated by congress so that we have someone to take to task if they do this again, and must be backed by something that doesn't change in value on a whim.
Want to also point out how dumb it is to use petrol to back the dollar when it isn't our petrol.....
Oh, you are one of those. Have a good one!
I do want to ask, have you already dug your grave for them or where you going to wait till they had a gun to your head to start? Might want to get that knocked out before it starts getting hot.
Have you dug your grave yet? They are going to win apparently, they already have it would seem speaking with you. They don't need or want you, so have you already given up so much that you have dug your own grave for them already or not? It is pretty simple. Yes, I might be changing the subject a bit. ;)
I dunno, thinking about it they might be able to use you on the front lines as they try to push this. Everyone knows what the front line is for!