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So this is a word salad! ^ Forgive me.
The constitution is only supposed to LIMIT government and the corporation, not make them bigger.
I believe that you are confused Federal Reserve Bank, Is not Federal, is not a Reserve and is not a Bank. It is not a part of our government at all and has 0 oversight from our government. They are a Foreign Entity that our governing body has no control over. They tell the government what they are going to do. Given rights to print our money by congress who is KNOWN to skirt their responsibilities! Congress MUST return the money printing to the treasury and resume oversight over the printing process. The Federal Reserve Bank is no more federal than FedEx, it is a privately owned company.
Federal - Executive - Judicial are meant to keep each other in check, There are some things in the constitution that limit each branches power but the three exist to keep each other in check and ensure that one arena of government isn't capable of taking over. The Constitution as far as we are concerned was meant to protect the citizen from the very much expected Corporate Take Over. Prior to the 14th and a few other interestingly worded amendments The living breathing person had rights separate of the corporation. Because of the 14th and those other interestingly worded amendments it is now in the constitution that the Corporation is considered a living entity and extended rights that truly only belong to HUMANS! Granting the corporations human rights has allowed things like media the ability to lie without recourse (freedom of speech). The corporation was never before legally allowed to lie as it was dangerous to the consumer to not know what they were consuming. Freedom of press is not free speech, it just so happens to be guaranteed under free speech rights in the First amendment. The press MUST be honest or there is no reason for them in the first place.
The national debt is what we collectively owe back to the "banks" from loans that haven't been paid off yet. It is so high because they continually allow the debt ceiling to be raised which means we keep getting to borrow money we do not have to pay back, one reason the dollar is so weak, but it is a purposeful aspect of the credit system at large. It was meant to bankrupt the dollar as it is.
Now, tie the fake money system into something like a gas shortage. They charge premium for the gas because they can with an ARTIFICIAL shortage, it cost more money. The bills that we exchange are already printed at a loss meaning they are not worth their face value which is quite obvious we comparing buying power of the dollar over the years. The inflation is artificial, but it allows them to collect back more of their dollars in a way that isn't going to repay the debt. Resource Hoarding allows this. Price Fixing (it is ILLEGAL AF, btw) happens all the time (company a, b, c: all preform same task, get together to set a fixed price instead of allowing the market to dictate DEMAND/SUPPLY), and people get scared and will pay extra for the same crap under "emergency situations"
The Constitution does not TOUCH the Federal Reserve Bank. It is Constitutional that the Treasury is to issue printing at Direction of CONGRESS! It is important THAT this be returned so that the American People have someone to take to task for fucking with the MONEY!
If removing the buying power of the dollar has allowed the debt to accrue to such an extreme level at such an extreme pace then returning the buying power of the dollar would only do the opposite....
It has got to be set at a stable value, one not likely to change over potential shortages. This is why food is such a terrible medium. Corn, have a bad year and everything goes through the roof. Due to scarcity of the implement of trade? Like WTF even is that when the tool used isn't scarce? Crony Capitalism!
The "banks" have been robbing us blind for generations, they gotta go. Their friends that set them up too! (Current structure, like only the way they do it needs to change, it can still be used.)
"full faith and credit of the US government" It is just a shame that this is important right now. It sure wasn't to them while they drove us here.
I want to start with one question, I will post another thread but I do not want this lost. It tackles corporation.
Why do we have a Constitution?
If a corporation can get special treatment over the citizen from the government would it not be an applicable assumption that corporation is just part of the government? If you have a King or a Government that OWNS everything we would call that a Monarchy, yes? They typically sell the resources back to the people? Corporations own the government? Government own the corporations? That would be an Oligarch? Corporate rule, OWNS the resources, sell back to the people? Both use labor of the "commoner"? Both have separate ruling classes varying in degree? REASON IT IS IMPORTANT TO PREVENT HOARDING OF RESOURCES???
How did they do it? How to get back?
How are you owed a bought debt if the money used to buy it was devalued buy the purchaser? Illegal trading practices? Reason we cannot simply print money? Reason we are not to be indebted to a foreign nation? What they have done is not legal, anywhere, fraud nulls the contract. They just hope that you do not see that it is fraud.
Just wanted to get that out real quick!
I do not think that they are if you look at the original. "You have a Republic if you can keep it!" We are no longer in the Republic as intended. When you separate the documents they lose their reason for existing.
We the People are guaranteed this: Bill of Rights
This is how we establish the government to obtain the guarantee: Constitution
Then lawyers happened!
Didn't pay much attention, Constitution is above this : Articles of Confederation
Someone said no: Constitution of the Confederate States
Washington was a huge federalist (large govt) and he realized the importance of not having a "federal" government. It is an awful situation in our past but we must remember that these people were bought and so considered property, which the government was not to be able to mess with. They purposefully went around this whole thing the wrong way to get us to approve borrowing foreign money! I think it was like 4-10% owned people in the south. We can all agree that it was wrong but it was blown out of proportion. "Freeing the slaves" made us all debt slaves. Articles of Confederation were close here in that approval of anything required majority in most cases and unanimous in others. Republic!
I still feel like we have a better chance with like 6 billion. Awfully lonely being one.
Many thanks, who has been making all the "rules" lately? I postulate the We the People are the TREE and should never be mistaken for a "branch". The 3 branches DEPEND on our very existence, wouldn't need them without us. Something that a lot of the could afford to remember. Don't need much of it now. Do we typically prune in spring or fall? One promotes regrowth and another almost certainly kills it.
Two dirty testicles same smelly penis. Consent of the governed is universal, they just happened to write it down for us here. How does one consent to be governed? How might one show that they are not interested?? I have no interest in anarchy, governance is necessary to a degree, it must be driven by the best interest for the people collectively and not a few.
It is more important than ever to continue to spread knowledge in a way that we know some have direct access to so that they may begin to question. We are not at war with their soldiers, they are no more than cattle to them. At least they do have some semblance of equality.
Who violated? What locations? Why attack?
I have touched on part of this in another comment. We should not be interested in a credit rating since it is hoisted by the banks as a reason to loan resources or not. Given that the banks are in the business of making money through illegal and dangerous practices without recourse, bail out, and that this is a world wide event I believe that all the people can agree to get rid of it. At least enough to have an impact. They got where they are selling us a bunch of junk with their purposefully devalued monetary system. This isn't just a USA problem and much of the world knows about it. This can also be corrected through collecting tariffs from the original sources and not We the People. Had the "money" not be loaned in the first place and instead was a product of our own government made at cost and worth face value and not taxed pre-distribution and then again for borrowing and again for earning and again for spending and again for saving and again for investing and again for donating and again for producing and again for innovating and again for owning...... I bet if they tried they could sell someone a ham sandwich and then take a quarter of it away from them and no one would bat an eye.
Take out their knee caps, how they gonna pay their goons then? What happens when you can't pay the help?
China has purposefully devalued our currency in order to call in the debts and cause a depression, it should be considered an act of financial war if they are to proceed. However, they have the same enemy that we do. Most of the world does.