It crawls the web and looks at frequency of mentions, in basic terms. With that he's able to get an estimate of what's to come as people talk about things before they happen. Almost like law of attraction, only he believes we as people get insights from a sort of collective conscience as the time for something nears.
He's repeatedly said the data talked about 'the sun disease'. Once Covid hit he was able to connect 'corona' to the sun having a corona, but he admits he didn't know in advance it was going to be Covid. The data has to be interpreted, and that isn't always as easy as one might think.
Are you Clif's son? He had the exact same explination. However he also predicted VERI, OMG and DGB would all be winners in the crypto market but said that XRP would be a big failure.
Also, do you have the ALTA report that mentions this?
I wouldn't be Clif's son, but I could be his daughter (though I'm not). The reason I have the exact same explanation as Clif is that I've listened to a lot of Clif's videos.
Humans are supposed to be ascending to the next level of consciousness but we have a group of people who are doing everything they can to stop that from happening.
We as humans create reality through our consciousness. So it would stand to reason if one were to analyze the thoughts and speech of the population or a population that one would be able to discern with some degree of accuracy what may be coming. Doesn't mean it will be right all the time and I don't think Cliff means to say he will be right all the time but just that these are possibilities.
I've probably watched him more than you. Earlier than you. Gave him more of my money than you. Believe me, he's lame as fuck. He'll lead you down a path and then all of a sudden get sick and not be around for years.
I didn't know it was a contest. I honestly only loosely follow him, I don't hang on his every video. It is passively inteesting but there is much better info out there.
Oh I have never given him any money aside from what he may get from a video view.
It crawls the web and looks at frequency of mentions, in basic terms. With that he's able to get an estimate of what's to come as people talk about things before they happen. Almost like law of attraction, only he believes we as people get insights from a sort of collective conscience as the time for something nears.
And he didn’t predict Covid. He predicted we’ll have energy tools at this point though.
He's repeatedly said the data talked about 'the sun disease'. Once Covid hit he was able to connect 'corona' to the sun having a corona, but he admits he didn't know in advance it was going to be Covid. The data has to be interpreted, and that isn't always as easy as one might think.
Are you Clif's son? He had the exact same explination. However he also predicted VERI, OMG and DGB would all be winners in the crypto market but said that XRP would be a big failure.
Also, do you have the ALTA report that mentions this?
I wouldn't be Clif's son, but I could be his daughter (though I'm not). The reason I have the exact same explanation as Clif is that I've listened to a lot of Clif's videos.
I have no ALTA reports.
Humans are supposed to be ascending to the next level of consciousness but we have a group of people who are doing everything they can to stop that from happening.
We as humans create reality through our consciousness. So it would stand to reason if one were to analyze the thoughts and speech of the population or a population that one would be able to discern with some degree of accuracy what may be coming. Doesn't mean it will be right all the time and I don't think Cliff means to say he will be right all the time but just that these are possibilities.
I've probably watched him more than you. Earlier than you. Gave him more of my money than you. Believe me, he's lame as fuck. He'll lead you down a path and then all of a sudden get sick and not be around for years.
I didn't know it was a contest. I honestly only loosely follow him, I don't hang on his every video. It is passively inteesting but there is much better info out there.
Oh I have never given him any money aside from what he may get from a video view.
Yeah, it's a "who's dumber?" contest and I'm trying to keep you out of it.