How else are they going to wake up? I like to gauge what the normie mind understands about the insane amount of shit going on in the world by having simple, and I mean simple conversations with my friends.
They have no clue what's going on. None. In fact, they don't even care.
One is AF, other is federal employee, mail man, electrician, municipal employee.
My wifes friends are just as retarded. Our acquaintances just as stupid. Dinner parties, restaurants, gatherings of whatever you name it. They're just brain dead zombies.
They don't give a shit. All they care about is whether or not they can buy food, gas in the car and netflix or social media. That's it.
Waking these people up would take an actual miracle.
They shrug their shoulders at stories of trannies in demon dress reading to 5 year old's and most of them have kids that age or younger. They simply don't give a fuck.
They will rationalize everything. There is no way these people are going to wake up without something insane hitting them.
When they bring back covid 5.0, these animals will wear a mask and stand right on those stupid stickers again.
Digital ID is coming between the end of this year and 2024.
What is the point of no return for these people? Are they even capable of waking up? I don't see any evidence that they are.
By normies I mean anyone who is outside of the "conservative"/"liberal" debate. I'm talking the pure sheep. The ones who are not aware of anything political, economic, DS, white hats, black hats, red pilling anything.
These are the majority. And after all this time I don't view them any longer as human beings. I view them as animals in human bodies. That's it.
They will endure anything and everything.
These are the ones I'm writing about
Wise words,
"People do lose themselves in their egoistic desires."
The sins of the "self anointed & self appointed," Seduced down the dark path of superiority, dehumanization is the first step of selfdelusional rationalization and justification of; subjugation, exploitation, an sadly passive or active extermination.
"The truth is, free choice governs everything and if these people have not been able to be reached through their minds, then perhaps they can be reached through their hearts, instead."
Mastering the language of exchange and intercourse would be the first step in presenting a compelling presentation, some speak the language of intellect, some the language of emotion, and others of spirituality. Wisdom lies in understand the difference.
"These are largely decent people who have been victimized, they cannot reason on their own, they enter a mental prison where nothing is possible."
By circumstance or design, many know not only of their self incarceration, but fail to realize they alone hold the key to freedom.
"When we grow angry and hateful toward them, it is because of what we want, we consider what we must suffer because of them in that thought; that is not the way."
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference.
"You have to find peace in everyone's choosing for themselves, that is the right way to be. None of us are masters of our universe, just of ourselves."
Upon finding love in the heart, one may discover peace in the mind. While none are masters of the universe, few even begin to glimpse at mastery of self, in action, in word, and in thought.
I thank you for your thoughtful response, it is enlightening.
I'm fortunate in that the acorns I blindly stumble upon, are as sweet as those I actively search for. Peace and Discernment my New Friend