I thought that telegram channel showing all the actual stuff going on there said that building never was a hospital, had already been bombed previously from another conflict, and that new fires were set up in it to make it look freshly bombed. Or am I thinking of a different building?
I'd believe this because in the background of one of the photos you can see some hobo looking guy cooking food on a make shift grill/fireplace. Why would someone go and set up camp in the middle of a place that has just been bombed?
I thought that telegram channel showing all the actual stuff going on there said that building never was a hospital, had already been bombed previously from another conflict, and that new fires were set up in it to make it look freshly bombed. Or am I thinking of a different building?
I'd believe this because in the background of one of the photos you can see some hobo looking guy cooking food on a make shift grill/fireplace. Why would someone go and set up camp in the middle of a place that has just been bombed?
Exactly, I forgot to mention that as well