Want another proof? I use my telescope to look at Saturn. While there isnt libration to observe, I can see the rings curving around the planet. What does your logic say about that?
How about the red spot? I can see it plainly on the surface of Jupiter. I can witness it move across Jupiters face and then disappear. I can then see it again show on the opposite side of the planet. Where does it go when it leaves our view? How does it get on the opposite side?
Thats three different celestial objects all with easily viewable proofs of being a sphere. Yet you want me to believe that the earth isnt?
I am being logical. I see this stuff with my own eyes: with my own equipment. I make my own logical conclusions.
What you are displaying is CIA programming used to discredit any and all of the truth our movement puts forward. You are a shill for what we here hate either through delusion, stupidity or complicity.
Yes, bad logic. All celestial bodies being round does not make the earth round. I’m not even pushing flat earth, I’m saying your logic is bad. And you’re angry about it, why stoop to personal attacks, is this personal to you?
Not round. Libration proves a sphere.
Really? In what way is that bad logic?
Want another proof? I use my telescope to look at Saturn. While there isnt libration to observe, I can see the rings curving around the planet. What does your logic say about that?
How about the red spot? I can see it plainly on the surface of Jupiter. I can witness it move across Jupiters face and then disappear. I can then see it again show on the opposite side of the planet. Where does it go when it leaves our view? How does it get on the opposite side?
Thats three different celestial objects all with easily viewable proofs of being a sphere. Yet you want me to believe that the earth isnt?
I am being logical. I see this stuff with my own eyes: with my own equipment. I make my own logical conclusions.
What you are displaying is CIA programming used to discredit any and all of the truth our movement puts forward. You are a shill for what we here hate either through delusion, stupidity or complicity.
Flat earth is pure fucking lunacy.
Yes, bad logic. All celestial bodies being round does not make the earth round. I’m not even pushing flat earth, I’m saying your logic is bad. And you’re angry about it, why stoop to personal attacks, is this personal to you?
I could send you a 4th grade science book if that would help you?
Ah so now we’re trusting educational institutions that brought us CTA and pedo shit? But only when it’s convenient for you