Really they won't. The CCP has utterly, completely normalized the treatment of the people over multiple generation and have killed so many tens of millions of Chinese they have effectively forced the evolution of genetic-based subservience though Darwinian natural selection.
Because not only has the state actively hunted and killed people that showed any hint of rebelliousness. They had so many famines and hardships, that anybody who wasn't equally able to submit to and lick the boots of the state to get extra consideration also died in the famines.
The Chinse people now are, quite literally, bread to accept and submit to fascism.
If anything the dominant sentiment INSIDE China is rabid devotion to the CCP, and the eager compliance with its mandates, especially ordinary citizens attacking anybody who doesn't comply and obey, or comply and obey hard enough.
Compared to the general population at large dissidents are EXTREMELY rare, literally 1 in 1 million, and very short lived because the zeal of not only the secret police, but also the eagerness of friends, family members, and other citizens to turn them into said secret police to be killed for their disloyalty.
China is not a civilization as you and I know it, but their people are the closest thing existing to an actual "hive mind" among humans on this planet. Chinese not only don't think for themselves, they viciously reject the idea of doing so, and destory anybody who suggests they do. They might as well have a hive queen sending them mind-breams for how insanely fanatical they are.
The more obedient they are, the dumber they are. Smart people are not 10000000% ultra-obedient. They follow laws and rules only when both make sense to them. When they don't, smart people actually are VERY rebellious and equally able to make a rebellion work, by virtue of being smart.
This is why China can only manufacture cheap garbage products, or products under extremely careful supervision of western managers who carefully design processes not even a literal dog could fuck up if only it had thumbs. And even with stuff like iphones, the CHIPS and circuit boards are coming from Taiwan and South Korea, and the chicoms are only running, equally foreign-sourced, circut board soldiering robots and snapping the boards and housing together and boxing them.
The REALLY complicated and very hard to do stuff like making the actual chips is all done in Taiwan or SK. China has tried repeatedly to get chip making factories, but the simply CANNOT make it work. And they can't because one simply can't go with "made in China" corner cutting when doing a 19nm chip manufacturing process. If every step isn't executed flawlessly, the nearly atom-sized micro circuits simply don't work and the chip in turn is 1000% useless for any purpose. And the bloody Chicoms can't make a fucking brick correctly so it doesn't crack.
So a race of purpose-bread slaves selected for the obedient and servile thinking, is also a race of people who can't do more than simple labor under tight supervision.
The NWO's plan is going to turbo-fail horrible.
The bad news, we might all be killed before the NWO realizes it.
But, we are still alive we'll outlive them.
Really they won't. The CCP has utterly, completely normalized the treatment of the people over multiple generation and have killed so many tens of millions of Chinese they have effectively forced the evolution of genetic-based subservience though Darwinian natural selection.
Because not only has the state actively hunted and killed people that showed any hint of rebelliousness. They had so many famines and hardships, that anybody who wasn't equally able to submit to and lick the boots of the state to get extra consideration also died in the famines.
The Chinse people now are, quite literally, bread to accept and submit to fascism.
If anything the dominant sentiment INSIDE China is rabid devotion to the CCP, and the eager compliance with its mandates, especially ordinary citizens attacking anybody who doesn't comply and obey, or comply and obey hard enough.
Compared to the general population at large dissidents are EXTREMELY rare, literally 1 in 1 million, and very short lived because the zeal of not only the secret police, but also the eagerness of friends, family members, and other citizens to turn them into said secret police to be killed for their disloyalty.
China is not a civilization as you and I know it, but their people are the closest thing existing to an actual "hive mind" among humans on this planet. Chinese not only don't think for themselves, they viciously reject the idea of doing so, and destory anybody who suggests they do. They might as well have a hive queen sending them mind-breams for how insanely fanatical they are.
The big problem for the NWO?
The more obedient they are, the dumber they are. Smart people are not 10000000% ultra-obedient. They follow laws and rules only when both make sense to them. When they don't, smart people actually are VERY rebellious and equally able to make a rebellion work, by virtue of being smart.
This is why China can only manufacture cheap garbage products, or products under extremely careful supervision of western managers who carefully design processes not even a literal dog could fuck up if only it had thumbs. And even with stuff like iphones, the CHIPS and circuit boards are coming from Taiwan and South Korea, and the chicoms are only running, equally foreign-sourced, circut board soldiering robots and snapping the boards and housing together and boxing them.
The REALLY complicated and very hard to do stuff like making the actual chips is all done in Taiwan or SK. China has tried repeatedly to get chip making factories, but the simply CANNOT make it work. And they can't because one simply can't go with "made in China" corner cutting when doing a 19nm chip manufacturing process. If every step isn't executed flawlessly, the nearly atom-sized micro circuits simply don't work and the chip in turn is 1000% useless for any purpose. And the bloody Chicoms can't make a fucking brick correctly so it doesn't crack.
So a race of purpose-bread slaves selected for the obedient and servile thinking, is also a race of people who can't do more than simple labor under tight supervision.
The NWO's plan is going to turbo-fail horrible.
The bad news, we might all be killed before the NWO realizes it.
But, we are still alive we'll outlive them.