Stupidest and gayest things in this redditards post:
"Me and my partner" : gay and stupid.
"Masks on" : stupid and moronic.
"Covid numbers are low...but I'm still scared" : moronic and fear porn.
"I've had omicron twice" : no ya haven't, you've had vax side effects.
"My partner and I were the only people in the store with masks on" : Translation: We are gay and stupid and moronic, addicted to fear porn and smelling our bad breaths in the masks and also we're praying for the next vax booster because it gives us a high that even anal can't beat.
Stupidest and gayest things in this redditards post:
"Me and my partner" : gay and stupid.
"Masks on" : stupid and moronic.
"Covid numbers are low...but I'm still scared" : moronic and fear porn.
"I've had omicron twice" : no ya haven't, you've had vax side effects.
"My partner and I were the only people in the store with masks on" : Translation: We are gay and stupid and moronic, addicted to fear porn and smelling our bad breaths in the masks and also we're praying for the next vax booster because it gives us a high that even anal can't beat.