From Praying Medic: " . . . The frantic rush to destroy society and usher in the Great Reset is evidence that they [Cabal] know they don't have much time. . . . They're racing against the clock. They [Cabal] know Trump is coming back. And with his return comes the storm that will destroy them."

There is a difference between actively using and abusing the Q movement as a means to gain wealth, and earning a living as a Red Pill Dispenser.
If you take the pay-triot line to the extreme, we'd have to boycott folks like Dave from the x22 report, and the streamer Salty Cracker.
Researching The Great Awakening can be a full time job depending upon how deep one goes, and how much effort goes into teaching and informing the public at large.
The way I see it, if they are dropping massive Red Pills I really don't care how much money they are raking in. A Red Pill is a Red Pill, and we can never have enough of those.
These guys don’t drop red pills lol they regurgitate anon research and pontificate their own prognostications. Nothing they say ever comes true. And precisely 0 of it is from inside sources. Do they spread the message effectively? In this past yeah but Q is about thinking for yourself. Ditch the gatekeepers, especially those ripping people off.
Agree , basically it’s his job , he works to bring news , hope ! He educates ..not everyone needs to hear it, some or most on here probably already know what he brings to the table ! But he’s made it his job to help awake or educate people as I said above ...he can’t do this if he doesn’t get paid and no one is being forced to pay him , you can listen for free, if you want. For Gods sake even DJT asks for money and sells stuff no one is calling him a pay triot ..listen if you want , support him if you want, or don’t, but don’t begrudge someone making a buck. Thank God there’s people out there trying to wake people , we need all the help we can get ..full disclosure..I don’t know who he is and if I heard anything from him it was someone posting his stuff on here ! I’m just a fan of capitalism! There’s a lot of people making millions hurting people, I don’t think he’s hurting people, I’m sure he wants America saved, DJT back and the DS dead like the rest of us !