From Praying Medic: " . . . The frantic rush to destroy society and usher in the Great Reset is evidence that they [Cabal] know they don't have much time. . . . They're racing against the clock. They [Cabal] know Trump is coming back. And with his return comes the storm that will destroy them."

Message over messenger.
In this post he is speaking absolute truth.
Well thats odd because Preying medic got a shout out by Q.
So did Jordan $ather. I buy his cbd oil and mms every month. You wouldn’t believe the state of my health since I started.. sometimes I feel like I’m turning into Q+ myself.
There is a difference between actively using and abusing the Q movement as a means to gain wealth, and earning a living as a Red Pill Dispenser.
If you take the pay-triot line to the extreme, we'd have to boycott folks like Dave from the x22 report, and the streamer Salty Cracker.
Researching The Great Awakening can be a full time job depending upon how deep one goes, and how much effort goes into teaching and informing the public at large.
The way I see it, if they are dropping massive Red Pills I really don't care how much money they are raking in. A Red Pill is a Red Pill, and we can never have enough of those.
These guys don’t drop red pills lol they regurgitate anon research and pontificate their own prognostications. Nothing they say ever comes true. And precisely 0 of it is from inside sources. Do they spread the message effectively? In this past yeah but Q is about thinking for yourself. Ditch the gatekeepers, especially those ripping people off.
Agree , basically it’s his job , he works to bring news , hope ! He educates ..not everyone needs to hear it, some or most on here probably already know what he brings to the table ! But he’s made it his job to help awake or educate people as I said above ...he can’t do this if he doesn’t get paid and no one is being forced to pay him , you can listen for free, if you want. For Gods sake even DJT asks for money and sells stuff no one is calling him a pay triot ..listen if you want , support him if you want, or don’t, but don’t begrudge someone making a buck. Thank God there’s people out there trying to wake people , we need all the help we can get ..full disclosure..I don’t know who he is and if I heard anything from him it was someone posting his stuff on here ! I’m just a fan of capitalism! There’s a lot of people making millions hurting people, I don’t think he’s hurting people, I’m sure he wants America saved, DJT back and the DS dead like the rest of us !
Ripped from my comment elsewhere in this thread:
The biggest challenge one faces in the presence of uncertainties and seemingly insurmountable obstacles is to avoid simply looking at the footsteps of the leader of your group, as you get into a sort of passive trance assuming a leader by definition knows the way forward and out. Rather the most important task is to dig deeper within oneself to draw from the strength reserves that are always there, and to continue to look around and be aware of one's surroundings, so you can always re-assess and review decisions as needed and not simply FOLLOW someone else's lead who decided they know the path out of a situation. You'd simply be trusting in THEIR capacity to dig deep and be aware, when that may not be the case at all.
I'm saying this in regards to PM's specific post because it lacks logical analysis and hinges on the audience's confirmation bias (hence not really a red pilling method imho), and consistency with a messaging brand. The only measurably positive outcome of a post like that is the poster's own positioning as an influencer and brand. Trust is a very precarious action to take with the weight of present circumstances and the amounts of uncertainties and misdirections that are possible.
Here I must call you out for sheer libel. I have been following Praying Medic (Dave Hayes) for years and found him to be thoughtful, careful, and not without a sense of humor. He mentions in passing the fact that he has books available (he's a writer) but does not put on any commercials. Anyone want to buy his books, they can. It's a free world...which may not be to your liking. I tell you what: you post a link to a photo of yourself and we can see for ourselves whether you are Adonis.
How much money have you given the medic? Come on now, be honest. I’ve donated at least several hundred.
Not any, yet. Higher priorities.
Good keep those higher priorities. Do not give money to this guy or any other so called Q influencer espousing bullshit. I was being sarcastic in my earlier comment.
i do agree w Qanaut message over messenger but sadly the movement has taken oven by MANY grifters hard for normies to see but as long as we can keep it real it will all be exposed when the time comes ..just imo but the message is what’s key here not the messenger /;
Fuck editing comment replied to wrong person. I agree with you.
Kek no worries fren
Idk about you but after reading this post I signed up for not one but TWO of his classes. Who doesn’t wanna learn how to talk to spirits and raise the dead? I l’ve also retained Martin Geddes as my consultant for the great awakening. Couldn’t have made a better choice lol.
What I find strange is the people that crawl out to defend him and the others like its their mission (it probably is). All the grifters fit a similar profile, like theres some sort of grifter factory, with an army of defenders.