From Praying Medic: " . . . The frantic rush to destroy society and usher in the Great Reset is evidence that they [Cabal] know they don't have much time. . . . They're racing against the clock. They [Cabal] know Trump is coming back. And with his return comes the storm that will destroy them."

Good keep those higher priorities. Do not give money to this guy or any other so called Q influencer espousing bullshit. I was being sarcastic in my earlier comment.
Since Dave does not "espouse bullshit" you are barking up the wrong tree. Why don't you tell us what you really have against him? You haven't made any sense at all, just spewed personal hatred.
You can start there. People actually pay this guy money for this kek. I don’t have anything against him. He’s full of shit and taking peoples money. Sorry for pointing that out. Pontificating prognosticator is the best term I have to describe him. Anyone making money off Q shouldn’t be trusted by default. To each his own I guess.
His healing ministry---which is his largest concern---pre-dated any involvement in Q. He does not pontificate and he is vert tentative about suggesting what might happen. How does he "make money off Q"? That sounds like stolen honor or some kind of graft. But that's like saying an astronomer "makes money" off stars. In which case, it is innocuous. He does provide value added, in the form of a logical unwrapping and organization of otherwise cryptic material. Does he misrepresent Q? I can't imagine how. He has been keeping strict tabs on what Q does and does not profess. (A lot of the zany shit that appears on these pages is not part of the Q universe, for instance.)
You have some conflicted feelings, I think. "I don't have anything against him. He's full of shit..." And black is white. Odd is even. Night is day. My call out came from the fact that you libeled him. That is not consistent with "not having anything against him."
If you want to give it a rest, that's fine with me. I can walk away with no harm done.
I really dont feel like responding to each point you made because I can already see what kind of person you are and nothing I say will change that. There is no such thing as a healing ministry- Just people who want your money. How much money did Jesus charge to heal? The bulk of his audience is from Q. He was a relative nobody until he started talking about Q. Q warned you about paytriots.
Q actually reached out to praying medic for a sit down. His response was something along the lines of "I dont have time for you." The guy prefaces everything he says with "may, might, could be, possible" because everything he says is bullshit and he knows it. You dont need a gatekeeper to follow along with Q. The purpose of this operation was to teach people how to think for themselves. But go ahead, keep supporting grifters. Im sure if you give him enough money you'll be one step closer to the kingdom of heaven.