From Praying Medic: " . . . The frantic rush to destroy society and usher in the Great Reset is evidence that they [Cabal] know they don't have much time. . . . They're racing against the clock. They [Cabal] know Trump is coming back. And with his return comes the storm that will destroy them."

His name is Austin Steinbart. He has been heavily suppressed and even jailed for nearly a year without having been formally indicted. Upon his release, he was banned from the internet by a judge for 1 year. That ban expired a few days ago. He revealed himself in a series of youtube videos in march 2020, detailing his personal life and providing a mountain of evidence and claims that could be investigated by us to determine his validity. As he began gaining momentum, the bulk of the Q community were lead to turn on him by all the big name accounts on twitter telling their followers to "not waste your time on the information hes obviously a CIA plant."
I find it strange youre willing to trust a guy who charges to teach people how to "raise the dead" and "talk with the spirit world" but you close your mind off to an array of topics that have tangible, objective proof behind them. But to each his own. Feel free to reach out to Dave- I dont suspect he will be truthful with you either way.
If youre truly interested in learning new information, you can start here:
There are some of Steinbarts original videos, that are very difficult to find now.
Well, now I know your caliber. Here is what I learned from Dave:
Austin Steinbart is well-known to long-time Q followers. He came on the scene in 2019 claiming to be Q sent back from the future. He was convicted in 2020 of extortion after stealing medical records from a healthcare system and publishing them online. (The records included those of NFL hall of fame quarterback Terry Bradshaw.)
When he first began growing his following, he invited Dave to speak at a school he was supposedly hosting in Tempe, Arizona. He declined Steinbart's offer and after several DMs on Twitter, blocked his account. Steinbart's response was to threaten Dave with physical harm. (Archived videos from his Youtube channel can verify these events.) Steninbart's followers are extremely loyal to him and will say just about anything to support him. As you have shown.
None of your claims about Dave are true. Steinbart is not Q. You are following a fraud. Please don't lecture anyone in the future about following Q.
You sir, have been feed a plate of lies by a guy who charges people to learn to raise the dead. be careful who you follow.
steinbart was arrested for political activism, encouraging his followers to call and email the support at Datto Inc, a private hosting service. Datto prematurely removed Steinbarts hosted files which he had paid for, an archive of material exposing many many people and the CIA. That is why the call to activism. In response to this, an FBI team raided his home, and locked him up for over a year without indicting him. In the end, he plead guilty to extortion because the Justice Department told him "either take the deal and get out now on time served, or we will delay your trial indefinitely and you can rot in jail." Sort of like what theyre doing to the J6 prisoners. The exposed medical files on Bradshaw had nothing to do with his arrest, or plea agreement. You can read his criminal complaint papers online if you wish to verify anything ive said. So Dave knowingly lied to you about that.
Why you believe anything else is he says, is a mystery to me. If he physically threatened Dave, he would provide proof to the community. He doesnt do so because he doesnt have any. show me the archived video? (you cant)
Im a rich asshole with way too much free time. I live and breathe everything Q since its inception. There is nothing about it you can teach me. People like Dave take advantage of peoples desperation for improvement of our global situation by offering spiritual guidance. Steinbart on the other hand, offers evidence, viewpoints, and ideas to achieve that improvement. I support him loyally because I have been through the criminal justice system and treated the same way. I support him because if you take some time and listen to his message, it is concise, consistent, and far better than the message any other so called influencer is offering.
what I encourage you to do is realize the FBI is a corrupt gangster organization, and anyone they target for harassment is typically over the target. Flynn? Trump? The FBI is a tool of the the cabal to silence their opposition. How many other Q people, other than steinbart, can proclaim they have been silenced by the FBI?
Sorry. You had your chance and muffed it. Dave did not lie about Steinbart; he just did not go into the grotty details, saying in a sentence what you did in a paragraph. And which seems to be corroborated by news items (e.g., https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2020/04/fake-qanon-austin-steinbart-arrested-and-charged-with-extortion-and-cyber-crimes/). Steinbart is a mentally-disturbed fraud. He was thrown in prison months before Q's last post, so he had to time-travel out of prison in order to keep posting? If you think there is a future out there that people can come back from, you have a serious problem yourself.
Dave only refers to established facts and subjects them to reason. I give credibility (not followership) to anyone who does that. If Steinbart threatened Dave, how and when and where is Dave's business. I had to break up a gang fight outside a tavern once. Is there a video? Don't bluster like that. It is uncool. Events were true before videos were invented...and they still are true.
I can readily believe you are a rich asshole. I have to wonder how you made your money if you can be so resentful of Dave. I can truly believe there is nothing that anyone can teach you---not through any fault of theirs. Many coherent systems of thought can be simply wrong, but I don't think you could tell. I realize the FBI is corrupt, but when they throw an actual evil-doer in the clink, I still applaud them.
What comes out of this is that you are interested in QLARP, not Q, complete with all the LARP zebras to ride. Go ahead, ride them. They will get you nowhere.
Ok thanks for proving you’re a fucking idiot. You’re using a bullshit website and a spiritual scam artist to sum up a case for you when you can read and understand the criminal complaint yourself. When you can watch the videos of Austin and his words directly from his own mouth. After your last comment, it is clear you haven’t viewed any information about steinbart firsthand; you’ve only accepted what others have to tell you about him. Everything you’ve said about him this far isn’t an original thought of yours- you’re simply parroting what others have told you.
I’m done trying to reasonably explain this to you. Think and believe what you want. Makes no difference to me. How I made my money is irrelevant. What I do with it is what matters. Everyone can be forgiven by the lord and we can turn to him for guidance at any moment. How come you’re ok with Dave profiting from ripping off gullible desperate people? Is it because he works for god? Do you think god agrees with him teaching people how to “raise the dead?”
Pretty soon, with Ketanji Jackson on the Supreme Court, the law will be written to declare you as a so called evil doer. Just because something is law, doesn’t make it morally justified. I shouldn’t have to explain this to you. Wasting time calling someone an evil doer or insane or a LARP is retarded. Why don’t you waste time attacking the Amoprhous Archive information instead of lobbing personal attacks against someone you’ve never met or given an moments time to listen to? Because learning isn’t you’re prerogative- being right is.
In the end, Q is larp, but that doesn’t detract from its validity. Indeed, life is LARP too. I subscribe to the truth, and where factual evidence observation leads me. Steinbart offers a mountain of evidence to back his claims. Evidence that idiots like you choose to willingly ignore at the behest of obvious con men. What does Praying Medic offer? Jesus came to him in a dream kek.
Good luck upon your journey. As objective reality doesn’t require your belief to remain so, what you choose to believe is inconsequential. In other words, nothing can stop what is coming.