You've lost or gained nothing if you haven't sold. I'm sure you didn't buy just to hold for a few months. You probably had a longer term plan. Hold for a few years, 5 years, 10 years. It's easy to get caught in the emotional roller coaster of the volatility of the markets, but remember that this is a medium to longer term plan because you truly believe in the project and the person behind the project. And the short term ups and downs don't mean a thing, especially knowing that volatility is completely normal and that this is a new company still in beta. Go check out Amazon stock in it's early days and you'll feel much better about your situation.
You've lost or gained nothing if you haven't sold. I'm sure you didn't buy just to hold for a few months. You probably had a longer term plan. Hold for a few years, 5 years, 10 years. It's easy to get caught in the emotional roller coaster of the volatility of the markets, but remember that this is a medium to longer term plan because you truly believe in the project and the person behind the project. And the short term ups and downs don't mean a thing, especially knowing that volatility is completely normal and that this is a new company still in beta. Go check out Amazon stock in it's early days and you'll feel much better about your situation.
I'm the long term, buy and hold guy
Long term plan is hold til it reaches my original price, then sell to recoup, then wait for a dip to rebuy
I encourage you to look into Dollar Cost Averaging. This is for both buying and selling to take profits.
Absolutely, thanks
Good advice beats downvoting anytime ;)