posted ago by Nomoralcompass89 ago by Nomoralcompass89 +7 / -0

I had a thought earlier about what may the last card the DNC can play to get voter turnout to record numbers for a mid term election.

Mid terms are nowhere near as popular nor have the following of main presidential elections. Rs usually do moderately well because they understand their civic duty is to get out and vote, where you usually wont get the push to get out and vote from the left.

I don't think the left can ever cheat as much as they did in 2020. Way more people are awake, know to work in their counties election boards, etc. Youngkin is one example of this, albeit its just my opinion.

The last card i think the left can play to drum up their base would be emotions. Only if they tug at heart strings can they get their voters to come out in droves. I suspect that Biden may disappear, "supposedly pass away" or something of that nature. I cant firgure out what would be strategized as the best timing for the left with regards to this, but im thinking 4 to 6 weeks out.

Disclaimer: I am not a violent person, i wouldn't condone violence to be brought upon the potato in chief. My belief in God guides me to forgive all who have wronged me.