The masses tend to panic in such situations.
Like many who have suggested the same, I believe one of the reasons Q woke us up is so that we can help people around us understand and cope with what is going on when things get a little scary. There will be people who are jolted awake from a deep sleep and have no idea what is going on.
Maybe your sister is in a panic because the military is quelling riots in the streets and politicians are being hauled off screaming into helicopters. Or maybe widespread power and communications outages have brought a worried neighbor to your door. Or that close friend (who respects you too much to call you crazy but insists on staying asleep) is finally waking up and searching for answers because it looks like the world is ending.
What will you say to start them down the long road to awakening? How will you reassure them that things will be ok, and prepare them for what is next? There is so much that could be said, it is difficult to summarize.
Maybe something like the following?
We are about to begin a years-long period of human history defined by the ongoing exposure and destruction of the greatest evil the world has ever known. A plan was devised decades ago which has culminated in the events unfolding before us. Many good people have sacrificed much and suffered greatly in order for this plan to work. In chess terms, the enemy has been in ‘check’ for several years. Covid - and everything since - has been caused by the enemy in their death throes. They cannot win, and will likely attempt to flip over the table before accepting defeat. But the good people are prepared. They have planned for all contingencies. Hang on because it may get rocky - but do not fear. GOD WINS.
(Part 2)
However, Trump spoke for truth, and a good amount of the population hated him even more. He spoke the truth about the politicians of BOTH SIDES (and the people who finance them) regarding our post 9/11 foreign and domestic policy, and encouraged people to be skeptical and seek the truth of the RESPONSE to COVID. This goes against the fake news theory of him being a idiot who only cares about narcissistic praise in the short term. I do believe him not doing much action to stop any of it does have an apparent contradiction with the “we have it all” “patriots are now in control” “nothing can stop what’s coming” by letting either the pandemic or this response happen. I believe it was something like a “taste” of the original NWO plan (almost like a “vaccine” of the plan, a small trial). I know you believe that it was 100% in good faith, just like many believed the post 9/11 RESPONSE was just to “protect and spread freedom” (mostly the establishment REPUBLICANS were the bootlickers, I’m happy they are now skeptical, thanks Trump and q plan!)). It was a “you must show them” in many ways in my view. Many many more people are skeptical, once again regardless of race, sex, class, nation, religion (forcibly closing places of worship wake up anyone involved in these groups especially), and political affiliation. Everyone would agree that more people believe in Q now, but the beliefs are more general and varied. To differentiate this kind of q believer vs the 4Chan/8chan ones that were more common before the covid response, Q humorously referred to this as “non autistic expansion” and said how the “hive mind” was important.
I do have a specific theory about how exactly the q plan reveals will all go down in the future including the “precipice moment”, that I did not share in this post, and that I don’t know for sure is 100% part of the plan, even if (in my view), it works as a way to reveal the truth, help everyone view the truth, helps everyone truly accept it easier, and also lines up with everything that has happened in the last 7 years.
I know this is a very long response. I just wanted to get my views out there to you and give my explanation for questions and disagreements you have with us. I would love to hear any questions or disagreements you have for me about my views. I would love to hear others' views as well.
I don’t believe everyone will all agree on the truth until the exact reveal happens, and this is the only way to get not only us, but everyone regardless of the aforementioned groups aware of and United on the truth of what has happened.
We will never all agree and unite on the truth, except with a declas where the full picture is revealed. “you can’t just tell them, you must show them”
Until then, I’d love to discuss and debate with anyone I can.