Gay or straight or whatever people are is nothing more than a piece of a person. I served in the military when gay people were not allowed to say that they were gay. We all knew who were different from the usual orientation, but nobody cared. They were there to do a job and serve their Country. I'll say it again, NO ONE CARED about their personal sex life or orientation. It wasn't appropriate to discuss in a place of work about anyone's personal sex life, except for a few people that liked to overshare. I see a lot of Christians condemning homosexuality. I am a Christian, but I concentrate far less on the Old Testament and focus on the New Covenant through Jesus' teachings. We are NOT to judge. This is God's right. Do not judge and do not cast judgement. You don't have to love them sexually, but you must love them as a neighbor and as a sibling under God. It really is that simple. Now when they try to throw it in your face, a simple statement about TMI and boundaries in polite society. If they do not relent, explain that it is insensitive to your feelings and that you are beginning to feel persecuted. If they still do not relent, leave from their presence and never return. There is no more for you to do. If you must come into their presence again, ignore them and explain to others that he was insensitive to your feelings and you are no longer willing to tolerate oppression or persecution, so you refuse to engage. This has worked superbly well in the past for me. It is completely diplomatic and allows you to maintain your dignity and personal rights. Never get over excited or loud, put everything in calm logical statements and carry on.
I'm sure you wouldn't mind these studying these verses from 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 then:
"Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor HOMOSEXUALS, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God."
If you really loved your neighbor, wouldn't you warn them that homosexuality is a sin punishable with eternal torment?
Nope, that is between them and God. I will keep my counsel to myself. The knowledge is common now. Children are told that a red light means stop. You do not have to keep posting signs that red lights mean stop. At this point, you are wasting words. Let all do what they want to themselves, only intervene when they do something to you or someone else against their will. The temptation to judge others is great, but must be resisted. It is not our duty. Homosexuality is no more a choice than heterosexuality. Abstinence is still an option, and some choose this path, but the sin is still committed in the mind.
Gay or straight or whatever people are is nothing more than a piece of a person. I served in the military when gay people were not allowed to say that they were gay. We all knew who were different from the usual orientation, but nobody cared. They were there to do a job and serve their Country. I'll say it again, NO ONE CARED about their personal sex life or orientation. It wasn't appropriate to discuss in a place of work about anyone's personal sex life, except for a few people that liked to overshare. I see a lot of Christians condemning homosexuality. I am a Christian, but I concentrate far less on the Old Testament and focus on the New Covenant through Jesus' teachings. We are NOT to judge. This is God's right. Do not judge and do not cast judgement. You don't have to love them sexually, but you must love them as a neighbor and as a sibling under God. It really is that simple. Now when they try to throw it in your face, a simple statement about TMI and boundaries in polite society. If they do not relent, explain that it is insensitive to your feelings and that you are beginning to feel persecuted. If they still do not relent, leave from their presence and never return. There is no more for you to do. If you must come into their presence again, ignore them and explain to others that he was insensitive to your feelings and you are no longer willing to tolerate oppression or persecution, so you refuse to engage. This has worked superbly well in the past for me. It is completely diplomatic and allows you to maintain your dignity and personal rights. Never get over excited or loud, put everything in calm logical statements and carry on.
Thank you, bro.
I'm sure you wouldn't mind these studying these verses from 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 then:
"Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor HOMOSEXUALS, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God."
If you really loved your neighbor, wouldn't you warn them that homosexuality is a sin punishable with eternal torment?
Nope, that is between them and God. I will keep my counsel to myself. The knowledge is common now. Children are told that a red light means stop. You do not have to keep posting signs that red lights mean stop. At this point, you are wasting words. Let all do what they want to themselves, only intervene when they do something to you or someone else against their will. The temptation to judge others is great, but must be resisted. It is not our duty. Homosexuality is no more a choice than heterosexuality. Abstinence is still an option, and some choose this path, but the sin is still committed in the mind.
Not your role to judge.
If you believe in those, then you are forced to believe that God is who judges, not you.
If you can't reconcile that, you are just a poser.