And many dogs take multiple naps all day long. They tend to be light sleepers and if you walk too close they'll open an eye and look at you like, "What the hell dude, I'm napping."
Kicks the wall, jumps up, embarrassingly looks around to see if anyone else noticed, as everyone is staring, walks over to food dish, and is like "What, I was just getting up for some food. Geez."
And many dogs take multiple naps all day long. They tend to be light sleepers and if you walk too close they'll open an eye and look at you like, "What the hell dude, I'm napping."
With that drawn out, audibly annoyed breath.
Gets up. Circles around a bit. Lays down in the same spot pointing opposite direction. Falls back asleep.
Has some sort of nightmare that has its limbs visibly moving while asleep.
Kicks the wall, jumps up, embarrassingly looks around to see if anyone else noticed, as everyone is staring, walks over to food dish, and is like "What, I was just getting up for some food. Geez."