Mod Initiated Discussion, this is not Dooming but coming facts.
Thread Boundaries Please: Anyone being blatantly disrespectful, not THINKING and really trying not to be constructive about what is being laid out here will have their comment/s removed. This is to be a lesson in insight, empathy, and love for what is to come. Thank you kindly Anons.
**** This Is A Prepping Lesson Only! We Don’t Know Thee Exact Weekend. But Prepping Is A Good Thing Anons.****
A serious suicide event is coming in this War. With Disney and now Twitter having their meltdowns, it’s time to bring back up our prepping lesson for that Empathetic, Don’t Be Pathetic Christ Trusting Soul. It’s been called “Suicide Weekend”, but I’m afraid this event will last longer than a weekend. Weeks, months, or longer. This part is unknown. So how prepared are you? We need to discuss this civilly and think clearly with your forgiving heart.
Soon Anons, Politicians, Famous Stars and Athletes, Bureaucrats, media professionals and influencers All public and private Medical Professionals/Staff, law enforcement, and school/educational staff will begin to commit suicide. They will do so to avoid arrest, prison/jail, court cases, executions, blame, guilt, coercion, Relation To, Knows Them, Idolizes an Athlete or Star, is friends of, depressed already and sends over precipice, and thinks World is Really Ending.
Forgiving heart, why would I say this when many are waiting for a bunch of Cabal and Cabal controlled dirtbags to off themselves?
Because, it WILL affect you. Why? Because you already know someone that will be affected as the people I’ve listed kill themselves. This WILL affect Every Age Group! Think! This event will affect entire families, towns, community areas, cities, states, and entire countries WORLD WIDE. This WILL affect someone you know directly and in your immediate family. Because they will be affected by someone they know Killing Themselves in either one of these professions, or a family member.
The ones I think about most, are the elderly, parents, children, and mentally/developmentally disabled of these listed professionals. They will be the most vulnerable Without Direct Fault to kill themselves.
Imagine a wave of impulsive and severely upset children, teens, and young adults all committing suicide due to Social Media Posts, Tick-Tocks, School News, News Reports, Funerals, etc. all over media, from all over the world…. And imagine what’s left of the most high up and evil of The Cabal and Satan himself, gleefully laughing at the suicide toll. And then the Souls stollen from God…
We WILL have a flood of suicides of all ages inter-related world-wide to current and coming events. You all need to start thinking about how you are going to help focus people, focus other Anons, your family, and your community.
So what do you do Anons? You need to get up to speed on your community, area, and State Crisis Services. You need to be prepared for them also to be overwhelmed or understaffed Due To The Same THINGS EVERYONE Else Is Experiencing!! So you need to have a great many backups and a Supportive Network!!
BUT MOST IMPORTANT!: Is to be educated by what I’ve said, and not only prepare yourself, but to PREPARE EVERYONE you can AROUND YOU, that this Is Coming!
We know a “Near Death Experience” for America and the World is coming. And certainly this event alone outside all the deaths of Covid and WWIII could certainly be that breaking straw or mind for a great many people.
I am here for you Anons to help with questions and guidance, I hope. I have faith God put me on this forum for the Soul purpose to help prepare you. But Anons, I am but 1 person. So, WE as a Forum Community need to be here for Each Of Us, for Where We Go One, We Go All.
Dear God bless each and every Anon with the strength, wisdom, empathy, and love to carry this information out to all they know and touch in person, and through Social Media. We will need your light and glory to carry us all out of the darkness that will certainly come. In Christ I ask these things for all of the Patriots, and Anons here, and across the world. Amen.
I pray that each and every person who is currently fighting against God would have a personal, immediate, and profound introduction to Jesus. We are all lost without him, there are none righteous. None of us deserve to be saved it is only by His amazing Grace. If any of us can be saved then any of us can be saved. Save them Lord, reach out to them, lead them, draw them to yourself, Lord. Open their eyes, minds, and hearts to receive your Love, your Life, and your Truth, Lord. In Jesus's name, amen.
There are 8 billion people on earth and most aren't Christian. This isn't about making all the people come to Jesus. It's about rooting out the world's ills. Remember that.
Unless the event is the 2nd coming of Christ I’m really sick of all the datefagging and predictions. Come Lord Jesus. If it is your will for all of the synagogue of satan to start committing suicide in droves, who am I to question your plan - let it be so but please make haste.!
I’ve seen suicide weekends predicted at least 100 different times for 100 different dates. And yet people still can’t understand why people don’t believe them when they make predictions.
For how many more years do we have to see widely held beliefs fall apart before we finally think to ourselves, maybe, just maybe, there’s nothing to this and we’ve been had?
I made this comment somewhere else, I’m willing to revisit my comments and everybody else’s comments in this thread five years from now to se if “suicide weekend actually happen. If there were mass suicide events in sports, politics, Hollywood, movies, celebrities, journalists, etc. I’m willing to revisit this and find out who’s right five years from now. I am. I’d love to do that. Because you know what? I said similar things three years ago and would have been right on all of them. Every single last fucking one of them.
I would have been called a doubter and a Doomer, and someone who didn’t believe, and would’ve been right every single fucking time on all of the fucking predictions everyone fucking made three years ago. Every single last one of them. Every. Single. Last. One of them.
I get what you're saying but you're making it sound like it was prophetic for you to be right about each prediction of "no that's not going to happen on that date", which isn't really that impressive lol
I don't have to claim Christ as my savior or look at patterns of numbers to see what has been happening is sick and wrong. Common enemy is possibly Satan but at the very least a bunch of arrogant and greedy perverts hell bent on making you the enemy. Choose a side. I choose the moral path. Fuck these people.
Read your gospel, chase your patterns I don't care as long as enough of us band together. This shouldn't be a devided house, we're all in the same fight to save the future generations. They can decide what wolf in their heart to feed.
I'm feeding the wolf in my heart that is full of love not hate. Find it in the Bible or Hunter's laptop, this evil needs removed.
It’s always about trying to have people come to Jesus…. The Gospels were around far before our movement.
Edit: The downvoters should take a few minutes and consider why they are wrong. You’ll deep dive everything but a Bible. Incredible, dontcha think?
Jesus is God…but sure.
"Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"
---John 14:6
Perhaps, but the Lord's will is that none should be lost, that we pray for our enemies and bless those who persecute us.
Blessings fren.
Why not both? His Word says the reason he came was to undo the works of the devil.
No one knows the day or time. Keep that in mind. That is why datefagging has never worked. It happens on His schedule, and we are only helping prepare for it.