Wikileaks dump - they just dropped all their files on line - is this new 🤔
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
The link is https: so not sure if safe but saw this on CloutHub looks legit but not sure :
U/catsfive can you please sticky?
Do any of you techy types know if there is a way to make searching these any faster / easier? Other than opening each one, that is. Would there be a way to set up the entire set of files so they can be searched by keyword? Thanks.
rga or pdfgrep
Needs "researcher wanted" flair..mods need a sticky..good find!!
You don't need the tracking append, just the first part:
Doesn't look like anything new to me... Seems to be the same old, nothing from the last few years. . .
The short link above goes around from time to time under breathless headline, but again, nothing new if you've seen this before (happy to be corrected).
If you did see this on Clouthub and not Facebook, the link you posted included a Facebook tracking link. is the actual link.
Please remove the ? and everything after it in the future.
In this case you should have deleted - ?fbclid=IwAR2U_Evqah_Qy2wxNY12FMqFC5dAFUcZL5Kl4FIfQuMFMp8ssbM46oHXWMI
Also, your link isn't new and you could have seen this has been posted plenty of times if you searched the forum.
Thank you - learned something new :)
Here is a link just to Killary These are Clinton’s emails:
This isn't new, I have had this bookmarked for a few years.
I know when scrolling through a lot was dated 2009,2006,etc - so not sure how new this information is.
Here is what the original poster said was included ( slow internet at home hard to search through it right now): Everything from Hillary Clinton's emails, McCain's being guilty, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic.