Not 'Pedo' groomers, they're grooming children into transexuality, then encouraging them to get surguries and go on hormone blockers which will DESTROY their young bodies in ways science doesn't understand fully yet.
These people who have messed with their natural hormonal system are forced to stay on hormones for life. The younger you ensnare them the longer they’ll be hooked on your hormones.
If only one of them could even get it 50% right.
Not 'Pedo' groomers, they're grooming children into transexuality, then encouraging them to get surguries and go on hormone blockers which will DESTROY their young bodies in ways science doesn't understand fully yet.
These people who have messed with their natural hormonal system are forced to stay on hormones for life. The younger you ensnare them the longer they’ll be hooked on your hormones.