Same ole gong being beat here by the same 5 or so usernames. What is your motivation here? All I see is the same talking point being regurgitated. Venom in water is psyop bullshit etc etc. Did you even review documents are watch any of the interviews? If you did how did you entirely miss that the focus of most of the information was directed at venom of several types of snakes was being speculated as used as a basis for various "Covid 19" aspects. What is suspect here is the group think perpetuation of one cherry picked talking point on the public water systems. Not once was it stated if present it is killing everyone or kills pets or whatever other repeated assumptions yall keep pushing. It was theorized if present in the water, hence the CDC as documented doing waste water testing for "Covid"----why? and then fortuitously predicting "outbreaks" in those regions based on their testing early on in the "scamdemic". Additionally that PCR testing predating the scamdemic was developed for techniques to detect snake venom, therefore theorized if venom was present in water system could very well be a contributor to large blocks of positive "Covid" PCR tests. Nothing has been thwarted that I have seen regardless of the group think projection provided here.
Same ole gong being beat here by the same 5 or so usernames. What is your motivation here? All I see is the same talking point being regurgitated. Venom in water is psyop bullshit etc etc. Did you even review documents are watch any of the interviews? If you did how did you entirely miss that the focus of most of the information was directed at venom of several types of snakes was being speculated as used as a basis for various "Covid 19" aspects. What is suspect here is the group think perpetuation of one cherry picked talking point on the public water systems. Not once was it stated if present it is killing everyone or kills pets or whatever other repeated assumptions yall keep pushing. It was theorized if present in the water, hence the CDC as documented doing waste water testing for "Covid"----why? and then fortuitously predicting "outbreaks" in those regions based on their testing early on in the "scamdemic". Additionally that PCR testing predating the scamdemic was developed for techniques to detect snake venom, therefore theorized if venom was present in water system could very well be a contributor to large blocks of positive "Covid" PCR tests. Nothing has been thwarted that I have seen regardless of the group think projection provided here.