Biden gets dumped on by an activist bird. Francis symbolically loses any pretense of authority when God's creation in Mother Nature removes the silly-hat of the play-pretend-Pope. The ratings of CNN and other MSM & print media 'stalwarts' are in the tank. The US economy is exposing the impotence of US "leadership". The lies of the FDA and CDC are being laid bare...
And not once; NOT EVEN ONCE (to my knowledge) have any one of the so-called 'power-elite' lifted up the precious Name of Jesus in reverent thanksgiving or praise...
Daily, we ALL are reminded that we are NOT God. One way or another, whether they like it or not: they WILL be humbled. "Every knee will bow... EVERY tongue will confess, to the Glory of God The Father: Jesus Christ is LORD!"
I pray that my own life is SHOUTING that confession, right NOW. AND, my prayers include a plea that other hearts (mine included) who most need to make that confession don't wait until after their last breath on Earth.
"Someday I hope you get the chance, to LIVE like you were dyin'... "
Biden gets dumped on by an activist bird. Francis symbolically loses any pretense of authority when God's creation in Mother Nature removes the silly-hat of the play-pretend-Pope. The ratings of CNN and other MSM & print media 'stalwarts' are in the tank. The US economy is exposing the impotence of US "leadership". The lies of the FDA and CDC are being laid bare...
And not once; NOT EVEN ONCE (to my knowledge) have any one of the so-called 'power-elite' lifted up the precious Name of Jesus in reverent thanksgiving or praise...
Daily, we ALL are reminded that we are NOT God. One way or another, whether they like it or not: they WILL be humbled. "Every knee will bow... EVERY tongue will confess, to the Glory of God The Father: Jesus Christ is LORD!"
I pray that my own life is SHOUTING that confession, right NOW. AND, my prayers include a plea that other hearts (mine included) who most need to make that confession don't wait until after their last breath on Earth.
"Someday I hope you get the chance, to LIVE like you were dyin'... "
Trump did.
Amen! LOL! And to my mind, he FAR OUTRANKS any of the other "power-elites"....they are mere pretenders...
Remember when a fly landed on pence? We shouldve known at that moment what kinda person he was.