... ruled by an evil entity. We show our devotion to time by keeping his image (the clock) with us where ever we go
We worry and stress about time. We live by time.
Satan = Saturn = Chronos = Time
If the cabal must show us disclosure, what do they disclose most often?
Two sources that spell it out a little clearer:
- A movie with two titles: Flashback (2020) and The Location of Frederick Fitzell (2020)
- Back to the Future Symbolism
Your input is welcome. Does this rabbit hole go anywhere?
What a neat post. As a Christian since I believe Christ paid the price for me, we are living in the past until his eventual inevitable return to take title on planet earth. Anxiety I feel is because of problems and pressures that nag and weigh on me-in the past- my current present. I believe that's how he binds us to the temporal plane-real nagging problems and pressures to make this plane and digital sim seem so real-more real than the heavenly realm. But it's not really true. So enlightenment, and the light of God help us rise above-or lift the veil I think.