... ruled by an evil entity. We show our devotion to time by keeping his image (the clock) with us where ever we go
We worry and stress about time. We live by time.
Satan = Saturn = Chronos = Time
If the cabal must show us disclosure, what do they disclose most often?
Two sources that spell it out a little clearer:
- A movie with two titles: Flashback (2020) and The Location of Frederick Fitzell (2020)
- Back to the Future Symbolism
Your input is welcome. Does this rabbit hole go anywhere?
I would suggest you proceed caution as reciting mantras (making sounds at a particular frequencies) and yoga practices open up our souls to unfavorable entities. Wait on the Lord’s time to reveal you things instead as He intended instead of forcing your third eye open on your own. You can be driven mad or worse. Certainly does “get the noggin’ joggin’”. - Soros’ Ballsack Eyes
Oh, I stopped practicing transcendental meditation for that reason. Thanks for the cautionary wisdom, fren.