👿💉🌎 HHS Secretary Becerra Claims COVID Vaccines ‘Kill ‘People Of Color’ At ‘Twice The Rate Of Whites,’ Vows To ‘Work’ Harder To Get More People Vaccinated 👿💉🌎
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
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There ya go again "analyzing" things/using "critical thinking", using common sense and asking questions. If you and others like you would just "stop it" and take the jab like the "good" (obedient) sheeple did, a lot more "progress" would have been made by now.
You have already extended the "timeline" and put the entire "agenda" at risk, which is something "we" absolutely cannot have. So, to reiterate, "go get the jab" -- the future of humanity literally depends on your actions and the actions of others like you.