Alright don’t come at me for watching this Hollyweird film!
I’m watching it and there seems to be some pretty striking comms happening.
Corrupt government fund called “Renewal” (Build Back Better?) being the most blatant.
Anyone else observe anything like this?
I am still processing. It was a long sit, and I found the movie to be not very enticing, boring really. I do not even like the guy. This woke shit does turn everything to shit.
But one thing stood out. Blackmail is the currency because of dirty laundry.
Yep, everyone and everything running on bribes and blackmail. Sounds like DC alright.
Not sure about the level of stupidity in normies, but surely this movie is another red pill. Yes politicians take bribes, and it’s at the level that that really are employed by the criminals. Death by a thousand cuts, seems a lot of this lately. Eventually the dam will break.
The new Batman film was mocking the entire Q movement. The Riddlers ragtag online terrorist group is an uninformed meme ripoff of the Q posts and anon community.
Definitely. Hadn’t gotten to that part when this was first posted. It was interesting to note when they stated Gotham was under martial law on Nov 6 after the election and attack. That would be 2 days after the midterms by this years calendar.
I didn't see the movie, but you mentioned Nov 6...
Nov. 6 = 11/6
Turn it upside down and you have 9/11.
exactly what I thought.
I thought the same thing, watched it with my son b/c he asked me to gonwith him.
also thought they tries to paint anons as the lunatics that followed the riddler.
Definitely what the MSM want anons to be portrayed as!
Damn didn't know there was a new batman film, who plays batman now days?
Robert Patton. I thought it was excellent!
I have to admit, I typically don't like movies these days, but this was solid. Good call!