I knew nothing of Q, or the plan, or the Great Awakening before Phase 2 began. So I’ve had no awareness of the kick in the gut it must have been for many here when everything seemingly fell apart. Knowing this now puts a lot of what I see now in much clearer focus. So, to encourage those who have held the line since long before many of us knew anything about what we now know, however it was that I came to be here (I don’t honestly remember the path I took but I know God went before me) what I’ve learned from many of you has given me sweet hope. Your despair was part of the journey, your courage in the face of that despair has caused many to join the journey, and has inspired us to continue to hold the line. If you hadn’t held on in the face of what seemed to be defeat, we would not be where we are today. We are on the side of good - of right. We are inspired by love and light and faith. Well done, Patriots. Hold the line - NCSWIC! In good vs evil, the Light will always prevail. It’s always darkest just before the dawn. Thank you all for what you do. Your courage keeps us going.
The worst was speaking up in warning to friends and family. We though certain things were com8ng now and they didn't. We looked stupid for it but held our ground.
Too many of us, myself most definitely included, just couldn't see how massive The Plan is and what it really encompasses.
We thought in terms of country but this is a global war. We bought into the readings and translations that promised Victory Now! but failed to realize that before we can be free here, the global shackles must be destroyed first.
Add to that, at least at the subconscious level, we've long been indoctrinated into a system that when a peek at the evil breaks into the open, there's a quick move to arrest or bring to trial a nothing of a piece of low hanging fruit, a show trial, and it all ends in a meaningless nothing of a sentence and that is Victory! for our side.
We, none of us, ever, have witnessed a full, comprehensive offensive against the organized evil that dominates our lives.
We are in totally new territory and our expectations still live in the old system.
I knew nothing of Q, or the plan, or the Great Awakening before Phase 2 began. So I’ve had no awareness of the kick in the gut it must have been for many here when everything seemingly fell apart. Knowing this now puts a lot of what I see now in much clearer focus. So, to encourage those who have held the line since long before many of us knew anything about what we now know, however it was that I came to be here (I don’t honestly remember the path I took but I know God went before me) what I’ve learned from many of you has given me sweet hope. Your despair was part of the journey, your courage in the face of that despair has caused many to join the journey, and has inspired us to continue to hold the line. If you hadn’t held on in the face of what seemed to be defeat, we would not be where we are today. We are on the side of good - of right. We are inspired by love and light and faith. Well done, Patriots. Hold the line - NCSWIC! In good vs evil, the Light will always prevail. It’s always darkest just before the dawn. Thank you all for what you do. Your courage keeps us going.
The worst was speaking up in warning to friends and family. We though certain things were com8ng now and they didn't. We looked stupid for it but held our ground.
Timing was the big secret and still is.
Too many of us, myself most definitely included, just couldn't see how massive The Plan is and what it really encompasses.
We thought in terms of country but this is a global war. We bought into the readings and translations that promised Victory Now! but failed to realize that before we can be free here, the global shackles must be destroyed first.
Add to that, at least at the subconscious level, we've long been indoctrinated into a system that when a peek at the evil breaks into the open, there's a quick move to arrest or bring to trial a nothing of a piece of low hanging fruit, a show trial, and it all ends in a meaningless nothing of a sentence and that is Victory! for our side.
We, none of us, ever, have witnessed a full, comprehensive offensive against the organized evil that dominates our lives.
We are in totally new territory and our expectations still live in the old system.