Worth a dive into. It reminds me of the line "The end won't be for everyone".
If NPC theory has any merit to it, it explain near perfectly why most people just can't seem to be able to grasp what you've been telling them about the system.
That blank look, the immediate rejection, the programmed responses, the ability to maintain through control grids you and I find unbearable.
There is tons of research on it and it's very, very intriguing stuff.
I still believe the npcs have playable capabilities just a matter of figuring out where to put the bonus seeds and really upping the gaming. I was talking to an NPC for a small period. The last movie we watched was something to do with npcs and actual players. The npc was a computer character that became a player and the company that ran the game system was trying to shut the npc off because of some problem it was causing for them. I forgot the name of the movie but Ryan Reynolds was in it.
Yea I know what you're referencing. What's interesting about the NPC theory is that the NPCs appear to have no inner monologue and that is absolutely amazing. Imagine trying to solve a problem and there is no inner voice.
Best I can imagine is it when I. Trying to do some basic math in my head at work and I don't even want to put in an effort to think since I know I can just use the calculator even though that takes longer customers and that's the best I can relate to no inner monologue.
As I understand it these are those sort of people we know from school and work who can memorize procedures from the textbook and regurgitate facts but as soon as they have a problem they've never seen before they're stuck as they can't do any original thinking. These are the people who never create or improve anything, they simply consume and do as they were trained and are utterly predictable.
Yes. So many situations where their program simply outputs whatever it was programmed to do.
I have a childhood friend who, no matter what, responds immediately like a robot every time he is presented with information that is detrimental to the system. Like he can't think that far past the "wall".
I've asked him about the inner monologue and he has no idea what I'm talking about lol