Worth a dive into. It reminds me of the line "The end won't be for everyone".
If NPC theory has any merit to it, it explain near perfectly why most people just can't seem to be able to grasp what you've been telling them about the system.
That blank look, the immediate rejection, the programmed responses, the ability to maintain through control grids you and I find unbearable.
There is tons of research on it and it's very, very intriguing stuff.
It truly does explain so much. One thing it really explains well is the look in their eyes. That empty look the second you begin having a conversation about anything beyond "the brick wall".
The lack of an inner voice is truly astounding. No one is home. Nothing.
I've seen it so many times and wondered WTF was going on in their heads; it never occurred to me that absolutely nothing was going on in there! It took me decades to master my inner dialog and make it work for me. Never had a clue others were just blank..
Precisely. Just the idea that there is nothing going on in there is difficult for me to grasp because no matter how I go about attempting to mimic it, I can't lol
And another...its all so strange. I question how much actual introspection could be going on without some form of dialog. If little to none, that explains a lot. Also, were they made this way by our dysfunctional society? Or is this always how it's been? Have TPTB used education and social conditioning to turn this off in childhood some how? Can this be turned on and if so, should it be? These are the questions that are currently consuming me. Lol.
Now look....our internal dialogs are being promulgated as potential mental illness...now, imagine all those orphans and mental hospitals in the late 1800"s. What to do when you change a narrative and reality and people won't cooperate because some of them see what you're actually doing? Hmmm? Perhaps steal their kids and lock them up? I mean, will those without dialog even question it when they find out you have conversations in your head?
Right!? It took me literally decades to become the Chairman of the board of my personal commitee! What a simple life if your brain doesn't talk nonstop! I can't even wrap my head around it. Lol.
I found this. Talks about some people thinking more in symbols and actions and some with actual language. I have language plus the others. I've been paying attention. I'm sure TPTB don't want us to know if some of these folks are actually NPCs, so there is that.
Found this one. Its really good!