Taken from https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u7pcjs/shadowban_on_op_ucruxhub_too_post_about_bcg/
Archive copy here: https://archive.ph/57938
The original OP on supertstonk was shadowbanned for posting this.
BCG has a long relationship with Leslie Wexner, the founder of L Brands, which includes Victoria’s Secret and other companies. Wexner has significant ties to Jeffrey Epstein. And there is even a thread between Wexner and Ken Griffin.
Leslie Wexner:
Leslie Wexner is a billionaire, and the richest man in the state of Ohio. Wexner founded L Brands (formerly named Limited Brands) which included brands such as Victoria’s Secret, Abercrombie & Fitch, Express and Bed Bath & Body Works.
Wexner married Abigail Koppel, an attorney at a law firm working for Limited Brands, in 1993, and they got busay.
Just another boring billionaire, right? Of course not.
Jeffrey Epstein + Leslie Wexner:
You all know Jeffrey Epstein of pedophile and human-trafficking fame. I don’t dare speculate on his death here. Instead, let’s start when Epstein met Wexner and learn about their relationship.
A great Vanity Fair piece details much of their relationship, which I will quote and summarize here.
Epstein began his career as a teacher in New York, then moved to trading at Bear Stearns after meeting the CEO whose children were attending Epstein’s school. Epstein started at Bear Stearns in 1976 and became a limited partner in 1980, and left a year later due to allegedly violating securities laws. He formed his own company, supposedly helping wealthy clients recover stolen money.
Epstein became involved with Wexner later in the 1980’s, before Wexner was married. Epstein pushed aside Wexner’s money manager at the time, ultimately gaining power of attorney over Wexner’s finances.
Epstein also became involved in Wexner’s business, The Limited:
Epstein often invoked Wexner’s authority to make employees feel as if they worked for him. “Epstein would call you and wouldn’t give his name. He’d just start talking and expect you to know who it was,” a former senior executive said. “He was becoming more and more active in the business. It was really upsetting people.” In 1996, as The Limited was preparing to spin off Abercrombie & Fitch into a separate company on the New York Stock Exchange, Epstein flew to Columbus and told executives that he would decide the share price. Executives worried Epstein was committing insider trading because days earlier, someone—they assumed Epstein—had sold an unusually large chunk of Limited stock. “There was so much concern that one of the lawyers looked around the room and said, ‘Are we going to have to go to jail for this?’ ” recalled an executive who attended the meeting. According to the executive, Epstein got his way.
They had a long relationship:
[Wexner’s security manager] said beginning in the early aughts, Epstein spent less and less time in Ohio. But publicly Wexner still had glowing things to say about his money manager. In 2003, Wexner told a journalist that Epstein had “excellent judgment and unusually high standards,” adding he was “always a most loyal friend.”
Epstein didn't need to profit off inside trading though, as he "obtained a New York mansion, a private plane and a luxury estate in Ohio — today valued at roughly $100 million all together — previously owned by Mr. Wexner or his companies." (https://archive.ph/Y7zFN)
Epstein was known to have "recruited" models for Victoria's Secret and take them to the New York mansion. Every room in the place had a surveillance camera; there's a lot more to the story but I won't go into it here.
Victoria’s Secret has been in the news the last several years, not just for the connection to Epstein but for other allegations of sexual abuse, a number of which against Ed Razek, Victoria Secret's former Chief Marketing Officer. Many more details on this creep here:
You may have heard of Epstein's "Little BlackBook"? This book includes contact info for people in Epstein's network, including prominent businessmen, politicians, etc.
It was made publicly available and widely reported on, see for example
and https://epsteinsblackbook.com
Razek makes an appearance in the book.
Wexner was also prominently featured in Epstein's Little Black Book.
Wexner claims, in a 2019 letter to his foundation, that he cut ties with Epstein in 2007 when “allegations against Mr. Epstein in Florida were emerging,” and that Epstein stole millions of dollars from his family, a portion of which was returned.
Nobody knows why it took Wexner over a decade to admit this. He never reported the “stolen” money to law enforcement either.
BCG is Boston Consulting Group. Ryan Cohen (Gamestop) pointed people to look into them on twitter. Since then gme investors have been uncovering links between BCG and many now bankrupt companies.
They seem to be sent in by Hedge Funds to gain insider info on companies and/or bring it down from the inside. At the same time the hedgies short the company and make billions when the stock price tanks... all while BCG charges millions for "consultancy fees".
It's one huge racket. Remember Epstein was a hedgie, and is now being linked to BCG via Wexner.
BCG tried it with Gamestop (hence all the hedges shorting them) but Ryan Cohen stopped it and told them to gtfo when he become chairman. BCG is now suing gamestop for unpaid consulting fees to the tune of $30 million.
The ex CEO of Pulte Homes recently came out on twitter saying that BCG tried the same thing with his company. He had to root them out before they went bankrupt. Pulte also just bought nearly $200,000 worth of $GME.
The federal reserve also hired BCG. So there is probably much more to them that we still don't know. They seem to have their tentacles into all sorts of shady shit.
Superstonk also dug up that BCG was linked to "Save the Children" foundation.
Reddit seems to be shadow banning and outright censoring many of the BCG posts.
This post shows Ken Griffin admitting they use BCG before shorting companies...and the comments have info about BCG links being censored.
Omg. It's almost like insurance fraud. Like with 9/11. Demo the buildings, collect the massive insurance payouts. Silverstein insured the Twin Towers for a ton of money against terrorism not long before the attacks. The firm that insured them quickly sold the policies on to other insurance companies so it wouldn't be exposed to such a huge payout.
So BCG and gang do a controlled demolition on a company and get a huge payday with shorts. Dirty.
Why stop at companies? Is it possible to get rich by bringing down countries?
Soros shorted the pound and caused the UK to crash out of the ERM (Exchange Rate Mechanism - the pre Euro european currency pegs)
Very true... Reminds me of the book Confessions of an Economic Hitman
Looking at you Halliburton