To all you alternate health people out there!
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As long as this site continues to look like one that humanizes Hitler, denies the Holocaust even occurred, and hates Jews, it's going to get lumped in with white supremacist and neo-nazi outlets. That's simply an observation of objective factual reality, nothing more. And I'd rather not get lumped in with them.
I don't care about Hitler's image FFS, or "lies vs. truth" about him.
I care more about our image and "lies vs. truth" about us. Without diligence on our part, the lies will continue to easily spread that the MAGA and Q people really ARE the white racist neo-Nazis after all.
Now, WHY do I care about our image and "lies vs. truth" about us? Am I a sensitive schoolgirl who wants to be liked?
No, I want masses of normies to be ATTRACTED TO the truth movements of MAGA and Q—to have this become the mainstream—rather than be repulsed by what they reasonably may perceive to be a culture of hatred for Jews; acceptance of hatred for Jews; Holocaust denial; and "fighting the smears" against poor Adolf Hitler.
Need to "save Israel for last." Get the normies redpilled about everything else first. Try to sell the "Jews = Evil" theme too soon, they'll turn off. You'll lose them.
I've hot nothing against regular everyday jews. Only globohomo jews. I was just pointing out that it's Hitler's birthday. I definitely get what you're saying though, and I agree. Time would be better spent on the plethora of non-hitler related red pill topics.