Hunter Biden Subpoenaed
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Just realized the CBS symbol is an all seeing eye/
NBC has a peacock who's feathers feature a neon 'eye'.
I’m rewatching the office with my girlfriend and every episode we’re like “holy shit, they would NOT allow this on tv today.”
Literally an episode called “gay witch hunt” LMAO
I used to say wait until they watch old movies and see we had the freedom where you could smoke in public and drinks were okay as long as you could handle your liquor. But they don't watch old movies.
You make a great point though. Hollywood was all about the stereotypes they blame you for.
I can hardly keep up with this movie's plot lines anymore.
I will hazard a guess as to what's going on:
2 sides opposed with multiple fronts, 1 has seemingly unlimited resources while the other is very vicious with just as vicious reinforcements on the way.
The wealthy side is the elites. They have money to make things happen or at least appear to happen (pretty convincing to the sleeping sheep). They have a vested interest in maintaining their power over the people. They get to keep their way of life.
The vicious side is us. We were very small, but at just the right time, people are waking up to what's going on at an expedited rate, unlike what was ever experienced. The reinforcements on the way? They are today's normies who become tomorrow's fren. We absolutely will need them in the fight.
Right now, the lines of battle are crossing from multiple fronts to multiple fronts (not isolated fighting), this is good and bad. It keeps both sides on their toes. Here's the thing, the elites deal with it by spending a lot of money, which while seemingly unlimited, is not. We deal with it by digging in to the fight harder.
They know we will not suddenly submit, the goal is to break us into factions, to turn neighbors against one another, they have multiple ways to do this. Race, Sex, "Sexual preference", etc. We have to realize that these obstacles in our path are not the forefront of our issues. While I would love to debate about the way homosexuality ruins a culture / society, we need to first deal with the largest enemy (who is actually the root / rotten cause of all of this push to sinfulness anyways), and that is the elites, because I can tolerate a lot, but not those who rape and torture babies and children. Full stop, hard stop. You touch a child, you rape a baby? You die. You push evil agendas onto mankind? Your evil agendas must die.
Michael, how can we as peons accomplish such a daunting task?
Do what the sidebar says. Get involved locally, see something, say something. If you get nowhere with your own authorities (i.e. corrupt), keep informing, post here for help, etc. Where there is a Will, there is a way.
Michael, why me?
Esther 4:14 - For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
Replace the Jews with God's people. God effectively says move up or move out. God will accomplish His Will, He is offering people that opportunity to be an Esther in our own day and age. Let us not waste this opportunity, this gift. For with it, God blessed Esther beyond her own comprehension, so may it be unto us.
Thanks for taking the time to write this. It is definitely one war with multiple fronts.