I watched the Dartmouth college student interviewed by Project Veritas, spew the nonsense of MSM. I had to shut it off because I couldn’t watch the idiotic student, who seemed hyped on something, spew his liberal, indoctrinated rhetoric.
That kid needs professional help. Had zero facts but just "knew" everything, not one bit of it correct. Jumbled thought process, speech all over the place.
Seemed more than a bit manic to me, I've seen people like him in action before. Doesn't end well.
I watched the Dartmouth college student interviewed by Project Veritas, spew the nonsense of MSM. I had to shut it off because I couldn’t watch the idiotic student, who seemed hyped on something, spew his liberal, indoctrinated rhetoric.
That kid needs professional help. Had zero facts but just "knew" everything, not one bit of it correct. Jumbled thought process, speech all over the place.
Seemed more than a bit manic to me, I've seen people like him in action before. Doesn't end well.
You want to hear people hyped on something, go to a trump rally lol. You can’t convince there isn’t some good drugs being passed around there.