I agree totally. I don't mean bow out meaning he shouldn't run again. Bow out like have a plan to retreat from his position. After my grandmother passed from the vaxxx shot it really got me radical about research and wanting to do everything I can to warn people. It made me dig in my heels. But my grandma and grandpa ONLY took the vaccine because Trump said it was good.
I was raised in the kind of politics that people practice here. My grandma was awakened to all of this going back to the sixties. I love Trump. That being said, my heart is broken that what he's saying is leading people to die. It's especially sad because my grandparents LOVE him. They prayed for him literally every night before they went to bed. They spent their money, not on pleasures for themselves, but in donating to Trump-supported causes and campaigns. It's really rough for me that someone I respect so much will not back away from the vaxxx.
I am afraid I must report this message as it is in violation of the guidelines of this site's conduct. I cannot endanger my own standing on this site by verbally abusing you any longer. I hope the moderators can encourage you to find a path forward to communicate with professionalism and courtesy.
This is the story of a real person. A better person than you will ever be and a person who taught me how to school little bullies like you. Her name was Ruth Ann Street. When you act like a shill by referrring to polls that my grandma did not participate in you trivialize my grandmother’s devotion to Donald Trump who she called her “life’s one true President”. When you insult my grandmother’s memory I have no choice but to report you because I would be banned for describing your execrable behavior in the terms your behavior deserves.
Your hypocrisy is overwhelming. I'm sure you're unaware of it as I've never in my life met a hypocrite as hypocritical as you who was capable of recognizing even 1% of their hypocrisy and in light of that I'm not really telling you so you stop; I'm just telling you because you deserve it.
I agree totally. I don't mean bow out meaning he shouldn't run again. Bow out like have a plan to retreat from his position. After my grandmother passed from the vaxxx shot it really got me radical about research and wanting to do everything I can to warn people. It made me dig in my heels. But my grandma and grandpa ONLY took the vaccine because Trump said it was good.
I was raised in the kind of politics that people practice here. My grandma was awakened to all of this going back to the sixties. I love Trump. That being said, my heart is broken that what he's saying is leading people to die. It's especially sad because my grandparents LOVE him. They prayed for him literally every night before they went to bed. They spent their money, not on pleasures for themselves, but in donating to Trump-supported causes and campaigns. It's really rough for me that someone I respect so much will not back away from the vaxxx.
I am afraid I must report this message as it is in violation of the guidelines of this site's conduct. I cannot endanger my own standing on this site by verbally abusing you any longer. I hope the moderators can encourage you to find a path forward to communicate with professionalism and courtesy.
This is the story of a real person. A better person than you will ever be and a person who taught me how to school little bullies like you. Her name was Ruth Ann Street. When you act like a shill by referrring to polls that my grandma did not participate in you trivialize my grandmother’s devotion to Donald Trump who she called her “life’s one true President”. When you insult my grandmother’s memory I have no choice but to report you because I would be banned for describing your execrable behavior in the terms your behavior deserves.
Your hypocrisy is overwhelming. I'm sure you're unaware of it as I've never in my life met a hypocrite as hypocritical as you who was capable of recognizing even 1% of their hypocrisy and in light of that I'm not really telling you so you stop; I'm just telling you because you deserve it.