escapefeomearth was spot on. Musk comes from South Africa - research down there RE: Cecil B Rhodes.
His dad?
His father is Errol Musk, a White South African electromechanical engineer, pilot, sailor, consultant, and property developer who was once a half-owner of a Zambian emerald mine near Lake Tanganyika.
So Cecil B Rhodes actually manufactured WW1. He got his wealth working w the Rothschilds and consolidating ownership of Gold mines, Diamond Mines, etc.
He knows what’s up. The X-steganography is a big deal. Musk is clearly showing his intent by using it. Essentially it means he is vastly into futurism. The guy legit is implanting humans via direct brain interface ( Nueralink ). He has stated he is doing this to heal neurological issues & provide solutions for conditions like cerebral palsy etc. He also states he intends to have those linked individuals interface with AI to augment them. To be clear - the only way he could help those with said conditions would be to use AI. Now vast implications outside of this.
The biggest is standing back and thinking “if he was using each of these companies toward an end goal - what would it be?”
Space has many agreed upon Military Treaties. If a private person were to militarize it wouldn’t fall within that scope.
He wants to explore space. To do so the ultimate goal has been stated to upload human minds into AI so that time isn’t a concern. Imagine sending probes out into the ether and waiting for whatever comes back.
Having control to Twitter could mean he could deploy AI on it and real-time monitor humans to a heavy degree
Instead of X Holdings , substitute X for another letter. The 17th. (Sorry, it was early when I wrote that and I just assumed the rest of the world was thinking alongside me in my head. 🤪)
Just as a Q would have meaning to certain people, the X has meaning to the deep state and mystery school segment of humanity that rule the world and have ruled the world for a very very long time. To see him using the X this much makes me nervous he's still on board with them, if he's not, then he's being obvious on purpose hoping the normies catch on to what it's all about. This particular topic is very important and never discussed here. I may need to compile a huge post about this topic soon.
I was thinking if he truly wanted to troll, he could have chosen a different letter...
Not following.
Troll what?
escapefeomearth was spot on. Musk comes from South Africa - research down there RE: Cecil B Rhodes.
His dad?
So Cecil B Rhodes actually manufactured WW1. He got his wealth working w the Rothschilds and consolidating ownership of Gold mines, Diamond Mines, etc.
He knows what’s up. The X-steganography is a big deal. Musk is clearly showing his intent by using it. Essentially it means he is vastly into futurism. The guy legit is implanting humans via direct brain interface ( Nueralink ). He has stated he is doing this to heal neurological issues & provide solutions for conditions like cerebral palsy etc. He also states he intends to have those linked individuals interface with AI to augment them. To be clear - the only way he could help those with said conditions would be to use AI. Now vast implications outside of this.
The biggest is standing back and thinking “if he was using each of these companies toward an end goal - what would it be?”
Instead of X Holdings , substitute X for another letter. The 17th. (Sorry, it was early when I wrote that and I just assumed the rest of the world was thinking alongside me in my head. 🤪)
Just as a Q would have meaning to certain people, the X has meaning to the deep state and mystery school segment of humanity that rule the world and have ruled the world for a very very long time. To see him using the X this much makes me nervous he's still on board with them, if he's not, then he's being obvious on purpose hoping the normies catch on to what it's all about. This particular topic is very important and never discussed here. I may need to compile a huge post about this topic soon.