I think I get the rationale behind that, but is it really working? This has 140 upvotes.
What percentage of our intrepid crew actually bother to vet content before upvoting?
What percentage actually see a sticky, and just go, ok, cool, I'll upvote?
If there was some way to identify that this as being sticked because it needs vetting and verification, as opposed to because its useful and helpful content, then this approach might be more effective.
But as it is, I notice a lot of sticked content that is clearly rubbish to the discerning mind, yet they garner hundreds of upvotes, and thereby (apparently) obtain a lot of credibility in the eyes of the board members.
I can see that there is now a flair "Possibly fake, no sauce, BUT"
That's a good idea. Do you mod-warriors make such flairs on the fly, or is this available for general use?
I'd like to see mods be clearer in their stickying; at the moment, things do seem rather muddy and I do not think the "sticky in order to inspire research" approach is working too well, considering how many upvotes bogus content gets because its stickied.
Suggestion: "Possibly fake, no sauce, handle with care" might work better. Have a few flairs that mods can use to communicate to the board when they sticky, WHY they sticky. (e.g. Notable is one, "unverified" might be another, "Possible fake" would be a good one, too.
The fake clickbait content in increasing in prevalence in the past year, across the Great Awakening landscape, including all platforms. We have so many newbies coming onboard, they mostly simply do not have the discernment training that anons who fought in the trenches with Q have.
This is a BIG problem. I'm on a good number of Freedom Movement groups and forums in my home country, and while its great to see so many normies converting to anonism, and waking up, the disinfo, clickbait, scammy content is a real <growing> problem.
I suggest the mods discuss this, or take it into consideration, and work on some ways to deal with this (eg.e such as having a bunch of flairs that warn and alert the board when such content is stickied, or when scam alerts are posted by board members.)
Information Warfare. The warfare landscape we are dealing with today is NOT the same as it was in 2018, 2019, 2020. The Deep State has worked hard at infiltrating the Q movement and the truth movement, and if we ignore this element, we do so at the risk of losing many good awakeners, or of many who are beginning to awaken lose traction with their own families, friends, or real-world connections.
I do agree we need a standardised and simple flair for "Unverified, needs whetting". Right now we are using on the fly custom flair for this.
That being said, it is important to take a moment and think about what this site is all about. This is definitely not a news site where people can come and just catch the headlines. This has been and always will be primarily a research site.
This is where Anons gather, bring in their nuggets of information, some garbage some gold, but doesn't matter what it is, its processed here and Anons try to get a better view of the reality.
I know it might feel upsetting that a "bad post" might make it to the front page, and "oh no what happens if someone sees it and bad mouths us ?", or even worse "what if one of my friends sees it thinks less of us ?"
Anons should only concern themselves with uncovering truth. No other site I have seen has that ability to sniff out garbage as quickly as we do here. Even this post is an example - the comments clearly show the reality.
What about all those who upvoted? These people came in a hurry and upvoted because they like the idea of Trump being reinstated on twitter (why? God only knows why, but thats what some people want). Its okay. Its okay if this post gets upvoted and its okay if it sits in the main page.
If anything, it will serve as a strong reminder to everyone here NEVER to take something and share it without verifying it first hand, no matter where you found it. Even on GAW.
This site was designed or intended to be a research site, but I question whether this is still the case, or rather, how much it currently serves that purpose. It may be my subjective impression, but it does seem to me that a lot of board members ARE coming here for news, NOT so much for research.
I mean, one of the GENERAL RULES is:
I guess the reason I question this, is because I do not see a lot of high effort posts. Rather, I do see a lot of low effort posts. And there are good high info posts, but there are also a lot of low info posts. Or, possibly, I just gravitate towards seeing that, because of my particular prejudice.
So, I guess I'm saying, yes, I get that this is the vision and the ideal, but I have some level of concern that in fact, we are not quite living up to that vision.
Anyway, I'll reflect.
PS. "t might feel upsetting that a "bad post" might make it to the front page, and "oh no what happens if someone sees it and bad mouths us ?", or even worse "what if one of my friends sees it thinks less of us ?"
To be frank, this was NEVER my concern. NEVER has been. (and in my harsh opinion, that's a pretty low-level of consciousness).
Rather, as a digital soldier, and truth warrior, my concerns are: how many anons are distracted by fake information, how that might impact the broader work, and how to stem the uptake of bad practices when it comes to applying trusted and solid Q-type techniques: due diligence, empirical evidence, critical thinking, emotional balance, etc.
For me, this is all about us, and not so much about "what will others think?", except for perhaps the problem of us unnecessarily laying out ammunition for the Cabal's propaganda machine to use against us or potentially awakening frens.
Yeah, it's good. When I replied, none of that was there. Instead, it was simply stickied by some mod, without either the flair, or the stickied comment.
If my comment helped elicit that, then great.
But your comment about not relying on mods, but rather on communal vetting, and verification, is well stated and well received. An important point.
Please. Comon mods. Surely part of the role of Mods includes NOT promoting fake clickbait shite.
This is the sort of clickbait bullshite issued directly by the deepstate to discredit the Truth Movement. It's bullshit.
Ya' reckon if Musk did that, that he wouldn't Twit about it? Seriously....
See stickied comment, above
I think I get the rationale behind that, but is it really working? This has 140 upvotes.
What percentage of our intrepid crew actually bother to vet content before upvoting?
What percentage actually see a sticky, and just go, ok, cool, I'll upvote?
If there was some way to identify that this as being sticked because it needs vetting and verification, as opposed to because its useful and helpful content, then this approach might be more effective.
But as it is, I notice a lot of sticked content that is clearly rubbish to the discerning mind, yet they garner hundreds of upvotes, and thereby (apparently) obtain a lot of credibility in the eyes of the board members.
I can see that there is now a flair "Possibly fake, no sauce, BUT"
That's a good idea. Do you mod-warriors make such flairs on the fly, or is this available for general use?
I'd like to see mods be clearer in their stickying; at the moment, things do seem rather muddy and I do not think the "sticky in order to inspire research" approach is working too well, considering how many upvotes bogus content gets because its stickied.
Suggestion: "Possibly fake, no sauce, handle with care" might work better. Have a few flairs that mods can use to communicate to the board when they sticky, WHY they sticky. (e.g. Notable is one, "unverified" might be another, "Possible fake" would be a good one, too.
The fake clickbait content in increasing in prevalence in the past year, across the Great Awakening landscape, including all platforms. We have so many newbies coming onboard, they mostly simply do not have the discernment training that anons who fought in the trenches with Q have.
This is a BIG problem. I'm on a good number of Freedom Movement groups and forums in my home country, and while its great to see so many normies converting to anonism, and waking up, the disinfo, clickbait, scammy content is a real <growing> problem.
I suggest the mods discuss this, or take it into consideration, and work on some ways to deal with this (eg.e such as having a bunch of flairs that warn and alert the board when such content is stickied, or when scam alerts are posted by board members.)
Information Warfare. The warfare landscape we are dealing with today is NOT the same as it was in 2018, 2019, 2020. The Deep State has worked hard at infiltrating the Q movement and the truth movement, and if we ignore this element, we do so at the risk of losing many good awakeners, or of many who are beginning to awaken lose traction with their own families, friends, or real-world connections.
u/archon69 u/Brent75 u/bubble_bursts u/Qanaut u/ChronicMetamorphosis
I do agree we need a standardised and simple flair for "Unverified, needs whetting". Right now we are using on the fly custom flair for this.
That being said, it is important to take a moment and think about what this site is all about. This is definitely not a news site where people can come and just catch the headlines. This has been and always will be primarily a research site.
This is where Anons gather, bring in their nuggets of information, some garbage some gold, but doesn't matter what it is, its processed here and Anons try to get a better view of the reality.
I know it might feel upsetting that a "bad post" might make it to the front page, and "oh no what happens if someone sees it and bad mouths us ?", or even worse "what if one of my friends sees it thinks less of us ?"
Anons should only concern themselves with uncovering truth. No other site I have seen has that ability to sniff out garbage as quickly as we do here. Even this post is an example - the comments clearly show the reality.
What about all those who upvoted? These people came in a hurry and upvoted because they like the idea of Trump being reinstated on twitter (why? God only knows why, but thats what some people want). Its okay. Its okay if this post gets upvoted and its okay if it sits in the main page.
If anything, it will serve as a strong reminder to everyone here NEVER to take something and share it without verifying it first hand, no matter where you found it. Even on GAW.
A thoughtful reply, and I shall reflect on that.
But on one point, I question:
This site was designed or intended to be a research site, but I question whether this is still the case, or rather, how much it currently serves that purpose. It may be my subjective impression, but it does seem to me that a lot of board members ARE coming here for news, NOT so much for research.
I mean, one of the GENERAL RULES is:
I guess the reason I question this, is because I do not see a lot of high effort posts. Rather, I do see a lot of low effort posts. And there are good high info posts, but there are also a lot of low info posts. Or, possibly, I just gravitate towards seeing that, because of my particular prejudice.
So, I guess I'm saying, yes, I get that this is the vision and the ideal, but I have some level of concern that in fact, we are not quite living up to that vision.
Anyway, I'll reflect.
PS. "t might feel upsetting that a "bad post" might make it to the front page, and "oh no what happens if someone sees it and bad mouths us ?", or even worse "what if one of my friends sees it thinks less of us ?"
To be frank, this was NEVER my concern. NEVER has been. (and in my harsh opinion, that's a pretty low-level of consciousness).
Rather, as a digital soldier, and truth warrior, my concerns are: how many anons are distracted by fake information, how that might impact the broader work, and how to stem the uptake of bad practices when it comes to applying trusted and solid Q-type techniques: due diligence, empirical evidence, critical thinking, emotional balance, etc.
For me, this is all about us, and not so much about "what will others think?", except for perhaps the problem of us unnecessarily laying out ammunition for the Cabal's propaganda machine to use against us or potentially awakening frens.
Crowdsourcing research and verifying information requires all of us, not the mods.
The entire reason this operation has been successful is because we all are participating in the open source process.
Relying on mods is the exact problem that leftists have and provides an easy avenue for propaganda to get thru.
At least the mods put a custom flair, pinned comment with an explanation, and specifically requested for the community to investigate,
This is precisely how I would want the mods to act in this board.
Yeah, it's good. When I replied, none of that was there. Instead, it was simply stickied by some mod, without either the flair, or the stickied comment.
If my comment helped elicit that, then great.
But your comment about not relying on mods, but rather on communal vetting, and verification, is well stated and well received. An important point.