Some info on the Shanghai lockdowns: It's financial, not medical.
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This is the third article of this nature to be posted here today. The Shang Hai lockdown has been going on for a couple weeks, so I wonder why all of a sudden three articles sprung up. Oddness always makes me think something must be going on behind the scenes.
Theres also a new report out of China that a toddler is the first human to contract the bird flu.
I recently posted about hearing a State of Michigan Wildlife Biologist on the radio state that bird flu was in the wild bird population here and recommended that we dont fill feeders or bird baths. Alo there are reports that a pair of parrots in Ann Arbor have contracted it. There have been nearly daily radio reports of bird flu here. At the end of all these reports they make sure to state that it hopping over to humans is unlikely but that it could happen.
Could this be the start of the 'next pandemic of fear'? Bird flu is something everyone is familiar with and have a preset sense of fear from decades of propaganda.
Me out filling my bird feeders all the way to the tippy top 😊 even thinking about adding some Bluebird houses up to help keep the mosquitoes down in the yard. Those damn mosquitoes bite the heck out of me during the summer! Told hubby I’m ready to buy a crap load of plants that deter mosquitoes all around the fence line of the backyard and get some of those Bluebird houses too. Mosquitoes don’t bother him as much as they do me, he says I must have sweet blood, lol.
Edit to add this from Pfizer, was top of page when I searched, why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others ...
Take a wild guess what blood type I am and what blood type my husband is?
Because it’s coming from Pfizer and we know Gates liked to let out altered mosquitoes, makes me wonder if they altered the mosquitoes to target certain people. O- blood type people can donate blood to anyone but can only receive the same blood type. I have O- blood type.
I put up a bluebird house last year and they are using it this spring...