Q-Decode - Midterms are safe ! (source and references in comments)
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Ignore the doomer shills that are getting you down. They are very clueless. Nothing will ever be good enough for them.
Many did not pay attention during the Obama years and don't understand dark and twisted things were back then. Doomer shills are trying to blind people. They have played that "doom" game since long before Q.
Every time conservatives would get excited or hopeful the doomers would come and go "oh, we can't win. Republicans can't win against Obama". I remember those idiots well. They keep up the same game.
Maxwell is in jail. Epstein is suicided. Hillary is and will never be president. Oh, let me guess that's not good enough for you. The Lt. Guv of New York has been indicted and forced to resign.
Long before I studied Q I used to dive deep into polling data to predict mid terms and elections. From 2010 onward I got good at predicting the outcomes of elections before they happened. I've followed Real Clear Politics aggregate polling, the Rasmussen generic ballot, Larry Sabato's ect.
Leftists use to claim they only lost because Obama wasn't at the top of the ticket. Which was a weak excuse. They don't get how elections work and they definitely don't get how mid terms work. That is why Obama kept getting hammered in mid-terms and the Left couldn't get more than the House in 2018. They wanted the senate so BADLY but they failed in 2018 and were heartbroken when the senate remained in GOP hands. That wasn't what they wanted.
Midterms don't work like presidential elections, but people who don't study and figure out the data won't get that. If they think it's just "They can cheat to win" they are especially clueless. They would have done that long before if it was that easy. There would have been no tea party wave in 2010 if they could just "cheat" their way to victory. There are limits on how the cheat occurs and where it occurs.
Democrats are heading to one of the worst curb stomp I have ever seen in my years of studying election data. They know it. I'm sure Leftists will be just as clueless and baffled as they were in 2018 when they couldn't cheat their way to controlling the Senate.
The real elections are the GOP primaries. That is where they are trying to either infiltrate as republican saboteurs or get a bad candidate to throw it. They know it's their only hope. Anyone who is familiar with election data would know this very well.