Topics like the Khazarian mafia, sinking of the Titanic,'s all being seen by normies on Truth Social. They are asking questions and opening their minds.
Because of the platform's association with Trump, almost all users are proud patriots and there is a friendly atmosphere unlike any social media before. People are having in-depth conversations like we have here, with normies interjecting to ask sincere questions as they continue down the rabbit hole.
It's a beautiful thing. GAW and places like it have been bastions of the truth for a long time. Now those truths are flooding out across the normie world.
i wouldn't consider the type of people to sign up for Truth Social to be "normies".
More just regular Trump supporters but they are asking questions. Had a lady ask me this morning where she could find the Q drops.
Are you on Truth Social?
There are a LOT of normies.
Yesterday I saw the question asked "what is with all the Q's?"
Well, did you answer the question? I have been pointing folks to the Q drops
Fletch17 answered it better (and faster) than I could.
I am not. I'm glad to hear it is getting more of a wide spectrum of people on there than I assumed
Username checks out.
like " THE " Rabbit hole?
I noticed this early on. I was lucky to get on early. The Q folks started posting their archived info and the Trump MAGA people who had no idea about Q were spreading it around, talking about it.
I wasnt under the impression normies go to Truth Social. If they can go there why cant I they still have only I phones and I have a desk top computer and still waiting. I am also outside the US so I dont even get the waiting list all I could do was leave my email.
Normies have iphones.
They do, and they know they do. Maybe the normies thought they could go TS and outnumber us, and see what we're up to. This potentially intentional release to I phones first, would make a better balance of initial users. Waking up the normies and not overwhelming them with our best and brightest pedes.
I have Truth on my GF Apple phone. I don't use it a ton because I have an Android so I only use it once or twice a day. Will be nice when I can put it on my own phone.
With it being essentially the end of April, anyone heard any timelines yet for releasing the Android version?
Devin Nunes keeps saying 'soon.'