I was never interested before, but if Elon can erupt and rile the Woke brigade like this - it almost seems worth a look in. Old pede here not on any social media what do you all think?
Comments (9)
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I can't get past the name; everyone going around twatting at all their friends, responding to enemy twats. Everyone's just a twat!
I've avoided being a twat for however long twatter has existed. I think I can hold off from being a twat now as well.
Truth Social
I think we should support a move for freedom of speech always. That doesn't mean we trust Elon or anyone else for that matter. Anyone can be corrupted and anything can be a lie. If things aren't what they seem, then we should vote with our feet with some choice wisdom on the way out.
Vanguard and Blackrock with stakes in both Twitter and Tesla. Just in time for the stockholder's meeting and the arrival of Truth Social. How much of the dark financing will Elon reveal? That's the test. Why not do your own startup or invest in TS? This way he competes with it. Fucky indeed.