I’m going out on a major limb here in saying that I am gifted with clairaudience (clear hearing). There are many accounts in my life that could verify this, too many to go into detail. I am nervous to share on such a large platform but I feel it in my soul to do so.
I “heard” the names Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego very clearly and repeatedly yesterday. So like always I knew I needed to find out why. The chief lesson from the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is that, we will never be able to bring the world to Christ by becoming like it. They were sent into the fiery furnace for not bowing to the evil kings demands and worshipping idols, and came out completely unscathed. They didn’t even smell of smoke. I believe we will be exiting the furnace soon. Even though it’s been difficult, God has protected us. I was encouraged by the message I received and I hope you can be too.
This is amazing and there is no such thing as a coincidence! Many of us, though some have been going through it longer, are between two places at the moment, our spiritual self and physical self. This is part of the Great Awakening! We are all transitioning to a higher vibration/Christ Consciousness. In my opinion it’s part of the “nothing can stop what is coming” motto.
We all have these gifts. It’s what God/Source intended for us. It’s what Jesus’s showed us when he too walked within this matrix! It’s what Jacob wrestled with when he saw the face of God and called the place “pineal” which is referencing our pineal gland/third eye.
Within the matrix we live (3D state/vibration) it is overlooked, pushed aside, or thought of to be crazy/occultist when in reality it is the Holy Spirit. This was the “their” intention. The dark/cabal did not want us knowing this, which in return causes us to become brainwashed and look to “authority” for answers when really all we need to do is look within and ask God and our angels for guidance. God/angels will answer I promise.
The cabal/dark also poison our bodies with harmful chemicals, and foods that have caused this amazing part of our bodies to calcify. The pineal gland/third eye has been referenced for thousands of years! It is not something that should be brushed off.
Clairaudient gifts can be tricky. My best advice is to listen, and talk to God. Really, talk to him! Like Jesus did, go to the garden and pray. Meditate! Find quiet in the noise that surrounds you and get your body and mind to work together. Being in nature helps with this. If I wouldn’t have listened to the nagging voice to post my message, connections wouldn’t have been made for other people. It’s all a ripple effect. We are all here on this earth, at this particular time, for a very important reason. Know this and care for yourself so you in return can care for others.
Sorry for the extremely long response! I could go on and on.....
Thank you for your "long" response. It was not too long at all. Thank you again. I agree with you on all points. I struggle with the meditation myself, but it's because I have psyched myself out on it a bit. Plus, life is so busy, so hard to take the time sometimes.
Thank you again. Blessings to you and yours! :)
Just like anything, sports, hobbies, learning, you must master it. Practice makes perfect! Trust me, you’ll be thinking about what to have for dinner, errands, and even the most random things. Acknowledge them and release them like a balloon. Even if you make it five minutes, you’ve done something good.