In the opening of the story you see a clear separation of Masculine and Feminine.
Father and Mother being estranged offer the greatest opportunity to abuse a child. Destroy the nuclear family and the children will follow you (the cult/false church) in their place.
If the Father and Mother are too busy quarreling amongst themselves, the child is left to wander, filled with confusion and anger, which you can then come in as a devious comforter and offer ways to "make them feel good."
The sun and moon don't always imply child abuse, mind you. They are symbols, which can be used to represent a greater concept.
Snakes are not inherently Evil, but they do lend well to the concept of Evil, with their "fiery tongue" and "slithering nature."
The Sun is masculine because it works so that things may grow (think antiquity and agriculture).
The Moon is feminine because of her menstrual cycles, as well as how the moon's position and state has astrologically been used to denote the personality of your progeny.
In Freemasonry, the Sun and Moon typically symbolize the Light (Sun), which is perfect, and the Mirror (Moon) which can sometimes bear the Light of Perfection and sometimes hide its face and be as Dark as the night sky.
The Sun and Moon, then, represent the Conscious and the Subconscious mind.
What I'm trying to say here, is that context matters, but the nature of the subject matter being used to express the analogy/metaphor stays the same. The Actions of Things is the Law of Nature, which is cold and immutable.
The more I acclimate to the blinding light, the less I can see in the dark.
Which is to say, the more I learn, the less I'm able to translate and relay to those who are still several steps behind.
Like an Apprentice asking why the Master knows to add that line there or mix that paint just so, the Master is clueless as to they why they do what they will because it has become second nature. At a point, the Master will have internalized so much, he will have forgotten all that he had committed to muscle memory. He simply does because there is no other way.
It's best I get as much out of myself now, while I can. Soon, there will only be a select few who will understand what I'm talking about... I feel it now, already. I'm starting to understand why, like monks, taking a vow of silence is necessary to stop you from trying in vain to teach the blind what colors are.
I say such things not to be boastful. Rather, the more I learn, the less I wish I knew. The burden of knowledge is the heaviest weight of all. It's a word of warning not to learn too much in haste, because you will have sacrificed all the moments of blissful ignorance that accompanies a carefree life.
Sun = Masculine
Moon = Feminine
In the opening of the story you see a clear separation of Masculine and Feminine.
Father and Mother being estranged offer the greatest opportunity to abuse a child. Destroy the nuclear family and the children will follow you (the cult/false church) in their place.
If the Father and Mother are too busy quarreling amongst themselves, the child is left to wander, filled with confusion and anger, which you can then come in as a devious comforter and offer ways to "make them feel good."
The sun and moon don't always imply child abuse, mind you. They are symbols, which can be used to represent a greater concept.
Snakes are not inherently Evil, but they do lend well to the concept of Evil, with their "fiery tongue" and "slithering nature."
The Sun is masculine because it works so that things may grow (think antiquity and agriculture).
The Moon is feminine because of her menstrual cycles, as well as how the moon's position and state has astrologically been used to denote the personality of your progeny.
In Freemasonry, the Sun and Moon typically symbolize the Light (Sun), which is perfect, and the Mirror (Moon) which can sometimes bear the Light of Perfection and sometimes hide its face and be as Dark as the night sky.
The Sun and Moon, then, represent the Conscious and the Subconscious mind.
What I'm trying to say here, is that context matters, but the nature of the subject matter being used to express the analogy/metaphor stays the same. The Actions of Things is the Law of Nature, which is cold and immutable.
oh sleepy dude. I'm so disturbed now.
If that's bad, then you definitely don't wanna learn the stuff that's been keeping me up at night lately.
And I have narcolepsy. I can sleep during a parade.
Well, but I do. Your comments are so provocative. I look forward to a synthesis of what you're learning soon.
The more I acclimate to the blinding light, the less I can see in the dark.
Which is to say, the more I learn, the less I'm able to translate and relay to those who are still several steps behind.
Like an Apprentice asking why the Master knows to add that line there or mix that paint just so, the Master is clueless as to they why they do what they will because it has become second nature. At a point, the Master will have internalized so much, he will have forgotten all that he had committed to muscle memory. He simply does because there is no other way.
It's best I get as much out of myself now, while I can. Soon, there will only be a select few who will understand what I'm talking about... I feel it now, already. I'm starting to understand why, like monks, taking a vow of silence is necessary to stop you from trying in vain to teach the blind what colors are.
I say such things not to be boastful. Rather, the more I learn, the less I wish I knew. The burden of knowledge is the heaviest weight of all. It's a word of warning not to learn too much in haste, because you will have sacrificed all the moments of blissful ignorance that accompanies a carefree life.